Over the course of several weeks I've been having hangs when Vist
starts up. On the BIOs screen, during
the loading of the OS and on the desk top. It will hang in excess of
minutes at all three of these locations.
The problem moves around. Also I've had problems installing a har
drive. All of these are USB related. The
hard drive would not install with two USBs in the PC. The hangs ar
associated with a document text in the
PNY 4GB attache Ready Boost USB I have permanently installed in m
system. The document has been
deleted. I have removed the second USB. The system is booting agai
correctly but I believe this is short
term and will return. Anyone have anything on this? Looks like a drive
problem in the OS to me. Might be a
hub problem or something related.
Over the course of several weeks I've been having hangs when Vist
starts up. On the BIOs screen, during
the loading of the OS and on the desk top. It will hang in excess of
minutes at all three of these locations.
The problem moves around. Also I've had problems installing a har
drive. All of these are USB related. The
hard drive would not install with two USBs in the PC. The hangs ar
associated with a document text in the
PNY 4GB attache Ready Boost USB I have permanently installed in m
system. The document has been
deleted. I have removed the second USB. The system is booting agai
correctly but I believe this is short
term and will return. Anyone have anything on this? Looks like a drive
problem in the OS to me. Might be a
hub problem or something related.