From day 1, the PC hangs on start after the normal desktop appears for about
10 minutes. After that time it works fine. Each time I notice the following
entries in the event log:
The Background Intelligent Transfer Service service hung on starting.
The Security Center service hung on starting.
The Windows Update service hung on starting.
Not sure if these are related. The machine is actually exhibiting symptoms
of a 100% CPU utilisation as I noticed that it responds to mouse clicks after
a considerable delay. After it's had its spat for 10 or so minutes it works
I am also running the Bit Defender Internet Security. Again, not sure if
that is the contributing factor.
10 minutes. After that time it works fine. Each time I notice the following
entries in the event log:
The Background Intelligent Transfer Service service hung on starting.
The Security Center service hung on starting.
The Windows Update service hung on starting.
Not sure if these are related. The machine is actually exhibiting symptoms
of a 100% CPU utilisation as I noticed that it responds to mouse clicks after
a considerable delay. After it's had its spat for 10 or so minutes it works
I am also running the Bit Defender Internet Security. Again, not sure if
that is the contributing factor.