Windows Vista Firewall



i've noticed that when i enable Vista's firewall, my cable internet
connection slows quite noticeably. It's really like a serious and continual
hiccup becomes a part of my browsing experience.

Disable the firewall and everything returns to normal.

Is this common?

Rick Rogers


No, it's not normal. A firewall should be "invisible" to user initiated
traffic and cause no slowdown in activity. The fact that it does in your
case could be an indicator of an external attack. I certainly wouldn't
recommend dropping it. If you have, and there's no other protection, you may
well already be infected and should take the system offline while you clean
it up.

Other things that can interfere with the user experience is running multiple
firewalls, which can conflict with each other, and improperly configured

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

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