Windows Vista error message



I keep getting the following error message when I start up my computer:

runner error name (hp connections.exe) locks a '-' (the app id separator)

I can't find the solution anywhere...anyone have any ideas or solutions?



Have you tried removing HP Connections from the Startup Folder?

Try this...

Go to Start ... Run ... and type in "msconfig" (without the quote marks).
Click on the Startup Tab and remove the check mark from HP Connection. Click
"OK" and reboot.

You can always start HP Connection when and if you need it. You probably
won't (HP probably hates me, now. Don't tell them I have a Pavillion).



You are a genius.....thanks so much!!!!!!

Revooc said:

Have you tried removing HP Connections from the Startup Folder?

Try this...

Go to Start ... Run ... and type in "msconfig" (without the quote marks).
Click on the Startup Tab and remove the check mark from HP Connection. Click
"OK" and reboot.

You can always start HP Connection when and if you need it. You probably
won't (HP probably hates me, now. Don't tell them I have a Pavillion).



You can run a program directly from
the Search bar, even with the quotes.
Copy and paste "msconfig" into the search
bar (the result should appear almost instantly).
Hit enter. The first result in the search will be
the one highlighted and when you hit enter
will be the one that is opened/executed. You
can also click the result to open it or run it.

I know this is a hard habit to break- but, it is
easier once you get used to it.



You can run a program directly from
the Search bar, even with the quotes.
Copy and paste "msconfig" into the search
bar (the result should appear almost instantly).
Hit enter. The first result in the search will be
the one highlighted and when you hit enter
will be the one that is opened/executed. You
can also click the result to open it or run it.

I know this is a hard habit to break- but, it is
easier once you get used to it.


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