Windows Vista Windows Vista build 5231

Me__2001 said:
it does look fancy but i think i'll stick with XP
Fancy :D MS is playing 'catch-up' ... but I don't need all that hardware. :p

oh heck, begining to sound like one of them there 'penguins' now. :o
i cant see it being shipped on budget PC's for another couple of years, which should be about the time they get it finished and working properly ;)
I tried to install it on my pc, i have a 3.0 GB with 2mb cache, 1 GB Memory, and an Intel 945PVS motherboard 64Bit, and i always get a blue screen while installing at the begining, any comment?
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Betas 1

This software is only a beta 1 so it has millions of bugs still in it and also some extra things to be made. So I wouldn't judge it on this, It is pretty though and if you turn off a lot of the extra graphics options then you will find it works faster
Scary similarities

You know this whole vista look and feel reminds me of another less popular OS called linux. It seems the ol' microsoft boys are trying to make it look like their original work of art when linux has looked like that for ages. (Not to mention worked a LOT more stable). But that's just one crazy person's idea...I mean look back in the history of windows, it has always mirrored the less popular OS of the time like win3.1 looked a lot like the mac OS of the time etc. I feel sorry for them though, if Steve Jobs and Bill Gates would have collaborated, just imagine the beautiful and functional OS's we'd have to date!!! Aside from that fact and the fact that Vista is programmed completely (if I'm not mistaken) in the .NET language which is severely bloated and usually renders even the most powerful computer useless, I'm giving Vista a :thumb: for effort. They're definitely on the way to something quite exciting if they can cut the code bloat and solve their security issues (or am I reading too much into it?).