Roman Pankov
Hello, i have a problem that Windows Vista Home Premium(i also saw at my
friend that using ultimate version the same problem) always reducing my
amount of free space on c:\, where the windows is installed, even if i don't
do nothing, just watching at the PC, the free space is reducing, moreover
after i applied all updates for windows, it went from 10GB free space to
5.75GHZ and keep on reducing every time i boot up my PC, how that can be
friend that using ultimate version the same problem) always reducing my
amount of free space on c:\, where the windows is installed, even if i don't
do nothing, just watching at the PC, the free space is reducing, moreover
after i applied all updates for windows, it went from 10GB free space to
5.75GHZ and keep on reducing every time i boot up my PC, how that can be