Windows Users involved in ASP.NET

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Hi. I am trying to configure a development server environment as follows:

Windows Server 2003 - HTTP/IIS/ASP.NET 2.0 is a server which is on a Windows
Domain. I want to create a Site in IIS whose docroot is NOT on the local
machine, but rather on a directory mounted from another computer on the

My questions are: What are ALL of the users that need to be configured to
have permissions on this remote file-system so that ASP.NET can do its thing?
I know that it's more than just "IUSR..." user. I think that ASPNET, etc.
need to have some kind of permissions?

Also, these users (ASPNET and the standard "IUSR_...") are local users to
the machine. How do I properly configure this when the users need to have
access to another system on the network? Won't I have to replace these users
in the IIS configuration with Domain users instead?
