I'm not sure what you mean. The Failed Updates would have been
replaced/overwritten by the Successful ones. You can't remove the
'Failures' from the Installation History list.
Will Denny
MS-MVP Windows - Shell/User
Please reply to the News Groups
| Hello Will from Steved
| Yes further up the same updates have been succesful,
| I just want to delete the failed updates, how would I go
| about this please.
| Cheers
| >-----Original Message-----
| >Hi
| >
| >How do you mean remove them? Is there another entry
| further up the list to
| >say that those 'Failed' Updates have been 'Successful'
| at a later date?
| >
| >--
| >
| >Will Denny
| >MS-MVP Windows - Shell/User
| >Please reply to the News Groups
| >
| >
| message
| >| >| Hello from Steved
| >|
| >| In view installation history for updated files I can
| see
| >| That some files have failed on them. How do I go about
| >| removing them please.
| >|
| >| Thankyou.
| >
| >.
| >