Windows updates causes IE 6 to crash



I recently downloaded two critical Windows updates. After restarting my
computer, I clicked on the IE 6 desktop icon and was greeted with a blue
screen that read: "An error has occurred. To continue, please press ENTER to
return to Windows or Ctrl, Alt., Del. to restart your computer." The
following error message was given: 06:00C2:0000A292. I tried using the IE 6
Repair Tool but it did not help. Please advise. Thank you very much!


Michael T

If you are Insert your Windows Installation CD-ROM.

Then go to Start > Run

Type in
sfc /scannow

Then click OK,

This will 'usually' restore corrupted files - such as BROWSEUI.DLL.

Not sure this works on Windows ME, but presumably you are using XP.

If you are running WinXP Home Edition SP2, this file should have a date
stamp 1/27/2005 and show a file size of 993 KB. Although this file may be OK
and you are looking at other possibilities

If this doesn't help try booting in Safe Mode, then reboot in normal mode.

Jan Il

Hi Frank :)

I am assuming you have XP, try doing a restore to a date prior to installing
the updates. If that does not work, then uninstall the update(s) that you
just installed from the Add/Remove programs, reboot and and see if that
helps. If so, then run the repair again.

How to restore the operating system to a previous state in Windows XP

How to Restore an WinXP system to a previous State using System Restore

Hope this helps :)

Jan :)
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Thanks Michael. I am using Windows ME but I will give it a try and see what
happens. Thank you!


Hi Jan,

No, I have Windows ME. I suppose the steps you mention would work with ME as
well? I'll give it a try. Thanks very much!


Robert Aldwinckle

Hi Frank :)

I am assuming you have XP


That address format is only ever given to Win9x class OS.
If the OS was NTx the address format would be without colons.

The first two bytes are the exception code for "Illegal Operation"
which could be due to a bad branch or an overlay.

<title>KB150314 - What Are Fatal Exception Errors</title>

Before the prevalence of malware this symptom might be
interpreted as being caused by a corrupt version of a module
(which one?) e.g. either the one in the location of the crash or
one of its callers but now it is much more likely to be due to
corruption in memory only.

So, as Frank Saunders always says, I would say:
First eliminate any spyware.

BTW I'm still waiting for somebody to show me how
to get the equivalent of a drwtsn32 Stack Back Trace
in these OS. <eg> Those registers-only "dumps"
that they get are pretty useless IMO.

Somebody on a windowsme NG may be able to
assist better.



Jan Il

Hi Robert :)



That address format is only ever given to Win9x class OS.
If the OS was NTx the address format would be without colons.

The first two bytes are the exception code for "Illegal Operation"
which could be due to a bad branch or an overlay.

<title>KB150314 - What Are Fatal Exception Errors</title>

Before the prevalence of malware this symptom might be
interpreted as being caused by a corrupt version of a module
(which one?) e.g. either the one in the location of the crash or
one of its callers but now it is much more likely to be due to
corruption in memory only.

So, as Frank Saunders always says, I would say:
First eliminate any spyware.

Ok...wasn't too sure on this one, but, it does seem be a more prominent
problem here these days, what with all the bugs out there to be dealt with.
BTW I'm still waiting for somebody to show me how
to get the equivalent of a drwtsn32 Stack Back Trace
in these OS. <eg> Those registers-only "dumps"
that they get are pretty useless IMO.

That would be very nice. Hmmm...wonder if MS has the equivalent of Santa's
Hotline. said:
Somebody on a windowsme NG may be able to
assist better.

Prolly so....

Jan :)

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