Okay, I did uninstall it from the Remove Programs
listing, as it was listed as being an actual update from
the 11th that downloaded, for Internet Explorer. Now,
under normal circumstances, I would simply just continue
on and plug away until I figure out the problem, but it's
not making sense now.
Here's exactly what happened:
For my birthday, I received a DVD-ROM, to which I
installed last night. The driver was immediately
installed by XP, which is fine, the BIOS recognizes it as
the secondary slave (Primary being my CD-ROM), and
rebooted... worked fine, recognized everything alright.
Then, I installed the program for watching DVDs that came
with it... installed fine... rebooted... Lastly, I
installed the update for Windows...
After that, freezing up before login screen, nothing
works except in Safe Mode. I uninstalled the DVD program
and the update, I believe, and still... nothing...
Tonight, I will be unplugging the cable for the CD-ROM
and DVD-ROM to see if it works at that point, and go from
Would still like to see if anyone else has had a problem
similar to this recently... by similar, I mean almost
exactly, and what they did to fix it, if anything. I have
my OS CD as a last resort because I am leery on changing
some things on the C drive... I really hate doing it...