Windows Update

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Recently I start to have problems doing windows update. The update page
doesn't show up right. The left panel seems to have some graphics/icons
missing and I tend to have error updating my windows. Its not happening on
only one computer. May I know the cause? Is this caused by microsoft windows
update page or is it my computer? The windows update for win98 seems ok but
not for XP. Pls advice.
izaaco said:
Recently I start to have problems doing windows update. The update page
doesn't show up right. The left panel seems to have some graphics/icons
missing and I tend to have error updating my windows. Its not happening on
only one computer. May I know the cause? Is this caused by microsoft windows
update page or is it my computer? The windows update for win98 seems ok but
not for XP. Pls advice.

Delete all the temporary internet files and cookies. Then retry. If
this does not help, check this text for about how to reinstall the WU
client on your PC: "WINUP: Error Message: "Software Update Incomplete,
This Windows Update Software Did Not Update Successfully"
It din work =( Could it be due to the website? Seems that other users are
experiencing similar problems.

It din work =( Could it be due to the website? Seems that other users are
experiencing similar problems.

Are you using IE? Microsoft doesn't like it when you try to browse
their website with something else. If you are using IE, do you need
an upgrade?

Yes I'm using IE6. Sometimes it takes very long to load the page, sometimes
it returns an error. Wonder whats wrong =(
IE 6 should be okay. When in doubt... reboot. It often clears up any
confusion your computer is experiencing.

However, if the page is just loading slowly - it could be either a
connectivitly issue or because the page you're loading isn't cached
yet. A third option is a poorly designed web site, but let's assume
MS isn't in the business of driving away customers.