Windows XP windows update won't work

May 2, 2013
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I just reinstalled XP on my laptop (Toshiba 2300,originally had Vista) and when I get to the point where I need to reinstall SP-3 via Win update it won't process. The win update site gives me an error code (I don't have it right now with me at work) but I can't find that particular error code in the "find error dialog box" windows provides. Plus all the other crap windows links just to sell doesn't help at all. P.S. The reason I'm reinstalling XP: My grandaughter messed up the log in process and we couldn't get the laptop to even get to the log in page. Kept locking up. Tried F8. Tried command prompt. Nothing worked.
gives me an error code (I don't have it right now with me at work) but I can't find that particular error code in the "find error dialog box" windows provides

A tip for installing Service Packs ( recommended by Microsoft ) is to turn of whatever Anti Virus you have running.
As for the " Find error dialog box " Well it's a load of pony. Google is your friend. If you post the error code we will be more able to help with your problem :thumb:

Edit: Add to that, Microsoft stopped supporting XP as of last month
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