Windows Update won't open



Reading a reminder about Windows update made me realize that the automatic
reminder hadn't reminded for a while. I went to Start - Windows Update and
got this error message #0x80072F76. That number wasn't on the list there.
Any suggestions? How can I update?


Joy said:
Reading a reminder about Windows update made me realize that the
automatic reminder hadn't reminded for a while. I went to Start -
Windows Update and got this error message #0x80072F76. That number
wasn't on the list there. Any suggestions? How can I update?

In addition to Will's post note there is a newsgroup for windows update
issues: news://


Thanks Will and Rock. I eventually found out it was due to my dial up
accelerator, which I disabled, and was able to then do Windows Update.


Joy said:
Thanks Will and Rock. I eventually found out it was due to my dial up
accelerator, which I disabled, and was able to then do Windows Update.

Glad it's fixed Joy and thanks for posting back the resolution.

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