Windows Update with Power User


Dave Walsh


We have Windows XP installed, no domain authentications, no group policies,
and we're not using SUS/WUS for updates. Just simple configurations on
individual PCs that schedule the update to occur using the Internet. I know
the benefits of using all of the other stuff, but we're just not there yet.

I'm curious of the effects upon forced reboot. I know that if you're an
administrator, you are given the option to reboot later. As a Limited User,
you don't have the choice. I think it counts down from five minutes or
something. However, we're still putting people in the Power Users group due
to problems with running as Limited Users (and we don't want to go all the
way to Administrative rights for users).

My Question:

Does anybody know the forced reboot effects of a Power User in Windows XP
SP2? Will you get the prompt or will it just reboot you after the five
minute count down?



Richard Urban

When installing a Windows update, it is best to reboot when told to. Don't
wait till later. If the system were to crash you may find yourself locked
out because the update is NOT completed until the reboot has been completed.

I have seen it happen a few times.



Richard Urban

aka Crusty (-: Old B@stard :)

Dave Walsh

Uhhh.... thanks, but this is not the question I asked. I'm specifically
looking to understand what the user sees when they must reboot AFTER an
update as a Power User. Do they have the option of cancelling, or not.

Thanks anyway.


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