Hi, a couple of days ago, I went to the website to see
this and show me how to finish this setup??
to another NG who then told me to post there as well. Cann anyone answerwhat critical updates were available. THere was one in
particular called "Q326583" and since it said it would
take 7 minutes to download< i did. Well the whole
process from downloading to installing was taking THREE
hours. And since I had to close my store, I could not
stay open any longer and wait to see if this thing would
finish. Well, I went to the website today to see if it
installed completely or something.I veiwed installation
history. But that one mentioned above said "still in
progress" or something like that. On the critical
updates, it said I have 0 critical updates needed to
install. what can I do to 'finish ' the installation.
Also, If I get automatic updates offline like most do,
then why was this one not suggested for me to update
before. I have dialup so I can see why it would have
taken 1hour and 15 minutes (as it predicted it would
take) ; but THREE or more hours??? please enlighten me
with this. thanks
.PS. I posted this to windows update NG but no one has answered. I posted
this and show me how to finish this setup??