windows update: software installtions fails

Jan 2, 2008
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windows update, when i do, it downloads fine but wont insall, keeps saying failed.

Then it says: A problem on your computer is preventing updates from being downloaded or installed

what could be doing this? I blocked firewall and anti virus but still wont work.
Assuminig you are using XP

There could be several reasons for this. The one I've come across most is where Windows tries to install updates and fails. This often occurs after an XP repair. There is a batch file available on the M/Soft site that "fixes" the installer.

You have a virus.

No hard drive space left.

Do you have any other clues. Does the machine run correctly apart from this problem?

The system runs somewhat slow I have notice.

Do you know the batch file name? I havent done any xp repair, just clean install.