Windows Update Services Question



I've just read the white paper on WUS (beta). I am an SE
for a small 50 user company. We just bought all new
laptops for everyone. Because of new contracts, many of
our users will be traveling for a month at a time.

So does anyone know...
Is it possible to have a managed WUS client look first to
see if the company WUS server is available, and if not to
download updates from Microsoft?

I ran into a similar issue recently with Symantec.
Previously all our computers were managed and all rec'd
updates from our Symantec Enterprise server. Now however
with all the traveling going on, I had to make all of
them UNmanaged, otherwise they won't receive ANY updates
when they're out of the office. It can only be configured
to receive them from the Symantec Enterprise server or
from the Symantec site. I'm wondering in my question
above whether WUS is architected the same way.


Julian Benson

I dont know how sorry, but i do know it is possible because thats
exactly how fujitsu services configure their laptops. When you first
connect to them it downloads latest patches etc, though if you dont
for a while the standard windows update method kicks in.

Hope this helps.


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