Phillip Pi
When I run Windows Update in my old 2000 SP4 installation (had it since
2002 in the same old Pentium 3 system), it shows Error number:
0x80072EFD when checking for updates in IE 6.0 SP2. I checked Windows
Update.log and found this:
2007-02-13 10:52:30 1760 5ac Misc =========== Logging initialized
(build:, tz: -0800) ===========
2007-02-13 10:52:30 1760 5ac Misc = Process: C:\Program Files\Internet
2007-02-13 10:52:30 1760 5ac Misc = Module: C:\WINNT\system32\wuweb.dll
2007-02-13 10:52:30 1760 5ac Setup *********** Setup: Checking whether
self-update is required ***********
2007-02-13 10:52:30 1760 5ac Setup * Inf file:
2007-02-13 10:52:30 1760 5ac Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINNT\system32\cdm.dll: target version =, required version
2007-02-13 10:52:30 1760 5ac Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINNT\system32\iuengine.dll: target version =, required
version =
2007-02-13 10:52:30 1760 5ac Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINNT\system32\wuapi.dll: target version =, required
version =
2007-02-13 10:52:30 1760 5ac Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINNT\system32\wuauclt.exe: target version =, required
version =
2007-02-13 10:52:30 1760 5ac Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINNT\system32\wuauclt1.exe: target version =, required
version =
2007-02-13 10:52:30 1760 5ac Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINNT\system32\wuaucpl.cpl: target version =, required
version =
2007-02-13 10:52:30 1760 5ac Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINNT\system32\wuaueng.dll: target version =, required
version =
2007-02-13 10:52:30 1760 5ac Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINNT\system32\wuaueng1.dll: target version =, required
version =
2007-02-13 10:52:30 1760 5ac Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINNT\system32\wucltui.dll: target version =, required
version =
2007-02-13 10:52:30 1760 5ac Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINNT\system32\wups.dll: target version =, required
version =
2007-02-13 10:52:30 1760 5ac Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINNT\system32\wups2.dll: target version =, required
version =
2007-02-13 10:52:30 1760 5ac Setup * IsUpdateRequired = No
2007-02-13 10:55:33 1760 5ac Misc =========== Logging initialized
(build:, tz: -0800) ===========
2007-02-13 10:55:33 1760 5ac Misc = Process: C:\Program Files\Internet
2007-02-13 10:55:33 1760 5ac Misc = Module: C:\WINNT\system32\wuapi.dll
2007-02-13 10:55:33 1760 5ac COMAPI -------------
2007-02-13 10:55:33 1760 5ac COMAPI -- START -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 10:55:33 1760 5ac COMAPI ---------
2007-02-13 10:55:33 1760 5ac COMAPI - Online = Yes; Ignore download
priority = No
2007-02-13 10:55:33 1760 5ac COMAPI - Criteria = "IsInstalled=0 and
2007-02-13 10:55:33 1760 5ac COMAPI - ServiceID =
2007-02-13 10:55:33 1760 5ac COMAPI <<-- SUBMITTED -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 10:55:33 1044 1fc Agent *************
2007-02-13 10:55:33 1044 1fc Agent ** START ** Agent: Finding updates
[CallerId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 10:55:33 1044 1fc Agent *********
2007-02-13 10:55:42 1044 1fc PT +++++++++++ PT: Synchronizing server
updates +++++++++++
2007-02-13 10:55:42 1044 1fc PT + ServiceId =
{9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77}, Server URL =
2007-02-13 10:56:00 1044 1fc Agent WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installed
rule, updateId = {03FF1EBE-C1CF-4DBA-ACDA-5C3BFBD9133D}.100, error =
2007-02-13 10:56:07 1044 1fc Misc WARNING: Send failed with hr = 80072efd.
2007-02-13 10:56:07 1044 1fc Misc WARNING: SendRequest failed with hr =
80072efd. Proxy List used: <(null)> Bypass List used : <(null)> Auth
Schemes used : <>
2007-02-13 10:56:07 1044 1fc PT + Last proxy send request failed with
hr = 0x80072EFD, HTTP status code = 0
2007-02-13 10:56:07 1044 1fc PT + Caller provided credentials = No
2007-02-13 10:56:07 1044 1fc PT + Impersonate flags = 0
2007-02-13 10:56:07 1044 1fc PT + Possible authorization schemes used =
2007-02-13 10:56:07 1044 1fc PT WARNING: SyncUpdates failure, error =
0x80072EFD, soap client error = 5, soap error code = 0, HTTP status code
= 200
2007-02-13 10:56:08 1044 1fc PT WARNING: Sync of Updates: 0x8024502d
2007-02-13 10:56:08 1044 1fc Agent * WARNING: Failed to synchronize,
error = 0x8024502D
2007-02-13 10:56:08 1044 1fc Report *********** Report: Initializing
static reporting data ***********
2007-02-13 10:56:08 1044 1fc Report * OS Version = 5.0.2195.4.0.65536
2007-02-13 10:56:08 1044 1fc Report * Computer Brand = GBT___
2007-02-13 10:56:08 1044 1fc Report * Computer Model = AWRDACPI
2007-02-13 10:56:08 1044 1fc Report * Bios Revision = 6.00 PG
2007-02-13 10:56:08 1044 1fc Report * Bios Name = Default System BIOS
2007-02-13 10:56:08 1044 1fc Report * Bios Release Date =
2007-02-13 10:56:08 1044 1fc Report * Locale ID = 1033
2007-02-13 10:56:09 1044 1fc Agent * WARNING: Exit code = 0x8024502D
2007-02-13 10:56:09 1044 1fc Agent *********
2007-02-13 10:56:09 1044 1fc Agent ** END ** Agent: Finding updates
[CallerId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 10:56:09 1044 1fc Agent *************
2007-02-13 10:56:09 1044 1fc Agent WARNING: WU client failed Searching
for update with error 0x8024502d
2007-02-13 10:56:09 1760 750 COMAPI >>-- RESUMED -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 10:56:09 1760 750 COMAPI - Updates found = 0
2007-02-13 10:56:09 1760 750 COMAPI - WARNING: Exit code = 0x00000000,
Result code = 0x8024502D
2007-02-13 10:56:09 1760 750 COMAPI ---------
2007-02-13 10:56:09 1760 750 COMAPI -- END -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 10:56:09 1760 750 COMAPI -------------
2007-02-13 10:56:09 1760 5ac COMAPI WARNING: Operation failed due to
earlier error, hr=8024502D
2007-02-13 10:56:09 1760 5ac COMAPI FATAL: Unable to complete
asynchronous search. (hr=8024502D)
2007-02-13 10:56:14 1044 1fc Report REPORT EVENT:
{5B247B20-DAF3-4148-88B9-5A60D69CDC62} 2007-02-13 10:56:08-0800 1
148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 8024502d
WindowsUpdate Failure Software Synchronization Error: Agent failed
detecting with reason: 0x8024502d
2007-02-13 10:58:10 1760 5ac COMAPI -------------
2007-02-13 10:58:10 1760 5ac COMAPI -- START -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 10:58:10 1760 5ac COMAPI ---------
2007-02-13 10:58:10 1760 5ac COMAPI - Online = Yes; Ignore download
priority = No
2007-02-13 10:58:10 1760 5ac COMAPI - Criteria = "IsInstalled=0 and
2007-02-13 10:58:10 1760 5ac COMAPI - ServiceID =
2007-02-13 10:58:10 1760 5ac COMAPI <<-- SUBMITTED -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 10:58:10 1044 1fc Agent *************
2007-02-13 10:58:10 1044 1fc Agent ** START ** Agent: Finding updates
[CallerId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 10:58:10 1044 1fc Agent *********
2007-02-13 10:58:12 1044 1fc PT +++++++++++ PT: Synchronizing server
updates +++++++++++
2007-02-13 10:58:12 1044 1fc PT + ServiceId =
{9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77}, Server URL =
2007-02-13 10:58:28 1044 1fc Agent WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installed
rule, updateId = {03FF1EBE-C1CF-4DBA-ACDA-5C3BFBD9133D}.100, error =
2007-02-13 10:58:28 1044 1fc Misc WARNING: Send failed with hr = 80072efd.
2007-02-13 10:58:28 1044 1fc Misc WARNING: SendRequest failed with hr =
80072efd. Proxy List used: <(null)> Bypass List used : <(null)> Auth
Schemes used : <>
2007-02-13 10:58:28 1044 1fc PT + Last proxy send request failed with
hr = 0x80072EFD, HTTP status code = 0
2007-02-13 10:58:28 1044 1fc PT + Caller provided credentials = No
2007-02-13 10:58:28 1044 1fc PT + Impersonate flags = 0
2007-02-13 10:58:28 1044 1fc PT + Possible authorization schemes used =
2007-02-13 10:58:28 1044 1fc PT WARNING: SyncUpdates failure, error =
0x80072EFD, soap client error = 5, soap error code = 0, HTTP status code
= 200
2007-02-13 10:58:30 1044 1fc PT WARNING: Sync of Updates: 0x8024502d
2007-02-13 10:58:30 1044 1fc Agent * WARNING: Failed to synchronize,
error = 0x8024502D
2007-02-13 10:58:30 1044 1fc Agent * WARNING: Exit code = 0x8024502D
2007-02-13 10:58:30 1044 1fc Agent *********
2007-02-13 10:58:30 1044 1fc Agent ** END ** Agent: Finding updates
[CallerId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 10:58:30 1044 1fc Agent *************
2007-02-13 10:58:30 1044 1fc Agent WARNING: WU client failed Searching
for update with error 0x8024502d
2007-02-13 10:58:30 1760 750 COMAPI >>-- RESUMED -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 10:58:30 1760 750 COMAPI - Updates found = 0
2007-02-13 10:58:30 1760 750 COMAPI - WARNING: Exit code = 0x00000000,
Result code = 0x8024502D
2007-02-13 10:58:30 1760 750 COMAPI ---------
2007-02-13 10:58:30 1760 750 COMAPI -- END -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 10:58:30 1760 750 COMAPI -------------
2007-02-13 10:58:30 1760 5ac COMAPI WARNING: Operation failed due to
earlier error, hr=8024502D
2007-02-13 10:58:30 1760 5ac COMAPI FATAL: Unable to complete
asynchronous search. (hr=8024502D)
2007-02-13 10:58:35 1044 1fc Report REPORT EVENT:
{0632BC5D-53F5-4646-BAE5-BEB4C28EAA7A} 2007-02-13 10:58:30-0800 1
148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 8024502d
WindowsUpdate Failure Software Synchronization Error: Agent failed
detecting with reason: 0x8024502d
2007-02-13 10:58:55 1760 5ac COMAPI -------------
2007-02-13 10:58:55 1760 5ac COMAPI -- START -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 10:58:55 1760 5ac COMAPI ---------
2007-02-13 10:58:55 1760 5ac COMAPI - Online = Yes; Ignore download
priority = No
2007-02-13 10:58:55 1760 5ac COMAPI - Criteria = "IsInstalled=0 and
2007-02-13 10:58:55 1760 5ac COMAPI - ServiceID =
2007-02-13 10:58:55 1760 5ac COMAPI <<-- SUBMITTED -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 10:58:55 1044 1fc Agent *************
2007-02-13 10:58:55 1044 1fc Agent ** START ** Agent: Finding updates
[CallerId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 10:58:55 1044 1fc Agent *********
2007-02-13 10:58:57 1044 1fc PT +++++++++++ PT: Synchronizing server
updates +++++++++++
2007-02-13 10:58:57 1044 1fc PT + ServiceId =
{9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77}, Server URL =
2007-02-13 10:59:05 1044 1fc Agent WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installed
rule, updateId = {03FF1EBE-C1CF-4DBA-ACDA-5C3BFBD9133D}.100, error =
2007-02-13 10:59:05 1044 1fc Misc WARNING: Send failed with hr = 80072efd.
2007-02-13 10:59:05 1044 1fc Misc WARNING: SendRequest failed with hr =
80072efd. Proxy List used: <(null)> Bypass List used : <(null)> Auth
Schemes used : <>
2007-02-13 10:59:05 1044 1fc PT + Last proxy send request failed with
hr = 0x80072EFD, HTTP status code = 0
2007-02-13 10:59:05 1044 1fc PT + Caller provided credentials = No
2007-02-13 10:59:05 1044 1fc PT + Impersonate flags = 0
2007-02-13 10:59:05 1044 1fc PT + Possible authorization schemes used =
2007-02-13 10:59:05 1044 1fc PT WARNING: SyncUpdates failure, error =
0x80072EFD, soap client error = 5, soap error code = 0, HTTP status code
= 200
2007-02-13 10:59:06 1044 1fc PT WARNING: Sync of Updates: 0x8024502d
2007-02-13 10:59:06 1044 1fc Agent * WARNING: Failed to synchronize,
error = 0x8024502D
2007-02-13 10:59:06 1044 1fc Agent * WARNING: Exit code = 0x8024502D
2007-02-13 10:59:06 1044 1fc Agent *********
2007-02-13 10:59:06 1044 1fc Agent ** END ** Agent: Finding updates
[CallerId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 10:59:06 1044 1fc Agent *************
2007-02-13 10:59:06 1044 1fc Agent WARNING: WU client failed Searching
for update with error 0x8024502d
2007-02-13 10:59:06 1760 750 COMAPI >>-- RESUMED -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 10:59:06 1760 750 COMAPI - Updates found = 0
2007-02-13 10:59:06 1760 750 COMAPI - WARNING: Exit code = 0x00000000,
Result code = 0x8024502D
2007-02-13 10:59:06 1760 750 COMAPI ---------
2007-02-13 10:59:06 1760 750 COMAPI -- END -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 10:59:06 1760 750 COMAPI -------------
2007-02-13 10:59:06 1760 5ac COMAPI WARNING: Operation failed due to
earlier error, hr=8024502D
2007-02-13 10:59:06 1760 5ac COMAPI FATAL: Unable to complete
asynchronous search. (hr=8024502D)
2007-02-13 10:59:11 1044 1fc Report REPORT EVENT:
{96D660E7-0342-459D-AB6B-CE1F4ADE8814} 2007-02-13 10:59:06-0800 1
148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 8024502d
WindowsUpdate Failure Software Synchronization Error: Agent failed
detecting with reason: 0x8024502d
2007-02-13 10:59:15 1760 5ac COMAPI -------------
2007-02-13 10:59:15 1760 5ac COMAPI -- START -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 10:59:15 1760 5ac COMAPI ---------
2007-02-13 10:59:15 1760 5ac COMAPI - Online = Yes; Ignore download
priority = No
2007-02-13 10:59:15 1760 5ac COMAPI - Criteria = "IsInstalled=0 and
2007-02-13 10:59:15 1760 5ac COMAPI - ServiceID =
2007-02-13 10:59:15 1760 5ac COMAPI <<-- SUBMITTED -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 10:59:16 1044 1fc Agent *************
2007-02-13 10:59:16 1044 1fc Agent ** START ** Agent: Finding updates
[CallerId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 10:59:16 1044 1fc Agent *********
2007-02-13 10:59:18 1044 1fc PT +++++++++++ PT: Synchronizing server
updates +++++++++++
2007-02-13 10:59:18 1044 1fc PT + ServiceId =
{9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77}, Server URL =
2007-02-13 10:59:31 1044 1fc Agent WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installed
rule, updateId = {03FF1EBE-C1CF-4DBA-ACDA-5C3BFBD9133D}.100, error =
2007-02-13 10:59:31 1044 1fc Misc WARNING: Send failed with hr = 80072efd.
2007-02-13 10:59:31 1044 1fc Misc WARNING: SendRequest failed with hr =
80072efd. Proxy List used: <(null)> Bypass List used : <(null)> Auth
Schemes used : <>
2007-02-13 10:59:31 1044 1fc PT + Last proxy send request failed with
hr = 0x80072EFD, HTTP status code = 0
2007-02-13 10:59:31 1044 1fc PT + Caller provided credentials = No
2007-02-13 10:59:31 1044 1fc PT + Impersonate flags = 0
2007-02-13 10:59:31 1044 1fc PT + Possible authorization schemes used =
2007-02-13 10:59:31 1044 1fc PT WARNING: SyncUpdates failure, error =
0x80072EFD, soap client error = 5, soap error code = 0, HTTP status code
= 200
2007-02-13 10:59:33 1044 1fc PT WARNING: Sync of Updates: 0x8024502d
2007-02-13 10:59:33 1044 1fc Agent * WARNING: Failed to synchronize,
error = 0x8024502D
2007-02-13 10:59:33 1044 1fc Agent * WARNING: Exit code = 0x8024502D
2007-02-13 10:59:33 1044 1fc Agent *********
2007-02-13 10:59:33 1044 1fc Agent ** END ** Agent: Finding updates
[CallerId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 10:59:33 1044 1fc Agent *************
2007-02-13 10:59:33 1044 1fc Agent WARNING: WU client failed Searching
for update with error 0x8024502d
2007-02-13 10:59:33 1760 750 COMAPI >>-- RESUMED -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 10:59:33 1760 750 COMAPI - Updates found = 0
2007-02-13 10:59:33 1760 750 COMAPI - WARNING: Exit code = 0x00000000,
Result code = 0x8024502D
2007-02-13 10:59:33 1760 750 COMAPI ---------
2007-02-13 10:59:33 1760 750 COMAPI -- END -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 10:59:33 1760 750 COMAPI -------------
2007-02-13 10:59:33 1760 5ac COMAPI WARNING: Operation failed due to
earlier error, hr=8024502D
2007-02-13 10:59:33 1760 5ac COMAPI FATAL: Unable to complete
asynchronous search. (hr=8024502D)
2007-02-13 10:59:38 1044 1fc Report REPORT EVENT:
{49D20D67-C400-4BDC-BB71-1C0BE4B7612C} 2007-02-13 10:59:33-0800 1
148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 8024502d
WindowsUpdate Failure Software Synchronization Error: Agent failed
detecting with reason: 0x8024502d
2007-02-13 10:59:56 1760 5ac COMAPI -------------
2007-02-13 10:59:56 1760 5ac COMAPI -- START -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 10:59:56 1760 5ac COMAPI ---------
2007-02-13 10:59:56 1760 5ac COMAPI - Online = Yes; Ignore download
priority = No
2007-02-13 10:59:56 1760 5ac COMAPI - Criteria = "IsInstalled=0 and
2007-02-13 10:59:56 1760 5ac COMAPI - ServiceID =
2007-02-13 10:59:56 1760 5ac COMAPI <<-- SUBMITTED -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 10:59:56 1044 1fc Agent *************
2007-02-13 10:59:56 1044 1fc Agent ** START ** Agent: Finding updates
[CallerId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 10:59:56 1044 1fc Agent *********
2007-02-13 11:00:03 1044 1fc PT +++++++++++ PT: Synchronizing server
updates +++++++++++
2007-02-13 11:00:03 1044 1fc PT + ServiceId =
{9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77}, Server URL =
2007-02-13 11:00:12 1044 1fc Agent WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installed
rule, updateId = {03FF1EBE-C1CF-4DBA-ACDA-5C3BFBD9133D}.100, error =
2007-02-13 11:00:12 1044 1fc Misc WARNING: Send failed with hr = 80072efd.
2007-02-13 11:00:12 1044 1fc Misc WARNING: SendRequest failed with hr =
80072efd. Proxy List used: <(null)> Bypass List used : <(null)> Auth
Schemes used : <>
2007-02-13 11:00:12 1044 1fc PT + Last proxy send request failed with
hr = 0x80072EFD, HTTP status code = 0
2007-02-13 11:00:12 1044 1fc PT + Caller provided credentials = No
2007-02-13 11:00:12 1044 1fc PT + Impersonate flags = 0
2007-02-13 11:00:12 1044 1fc PT + Possible authorization schemes used =
2007-02-13 11:00:12 1044 1fc PT WARNING: SyncUpdates failure, error =
0x80072EFD, soap client error = 5, soap error code = 0, HTTP status code
= 200
2007-02-13 11:00:13 1044 1fc PT WARNING: Sync of Updates: 0x8024502d
2007-02-13 11:00:13 1044 1fc Agent * WARNING: Failed to synchronize,
error = 0x8024502D
2007-02-13 11:00:13 1044 1fc Agent * WARNING: Exit code = 0x8024502D
2007-02-13 11:00:13 1044 1fc Agent *********
2007-02-13 11:00:13 1044 1fc Agent ** END ** Agent: Finding updates
[CallerId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 11:00:13 1044 1fc Agent *************
2007-02-13 11:00:13 1044 1fc Agent WARNING: WU client failed Searching
for update with error 0x8024502d
2007-02-13 11:00:13 1760 750 COMAPI >>-- RESUMED -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 11:00:13 1760 750 COMAPI - Updates found = 0
2007-02-13 11:00:13 1760 750 COMAPI - WARNING: Exit code = 0x00000000,
Result code = 0x8024502D
2007-02-13 11:00:13 1760 750 COMAPI ---------
2007-02-13 11:00:13 1760 750 COMAPI -- END -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 11:00:13 1760 750 COMAPI -------------
2007-02-13 11:00:13 1760 5ac COMAPI WARNING: Operation failed due to
earlier error, hr=8024502D
2007-02-13 11:00:13 1760 5ac COMAPI FATAL: Unable to complete
asynchronous search. (hr=8024502D)
2007-02-13 11:00:18 1044 1fc Report REPORT EVENT:
{BD150012-F256-4B7D-B8D4-D1F9B337BAE3} 2007-02-13 11:00:13-0800 1
148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 8024502d
WindowsUpdate Failure Software Synchronization Error: Agent failed
detecting with reason: 0x8024502d
2007-02-13 11:08:20 1760 5ac COMAPI -------------
2007-02-13 11:08:20 1760 5ac COMAPI -- START -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 11:08:20 1760 5ac COMAPI ---------
2007-02-13 11:08:20 1760 5ac COMAPI - Online = Yes; Ignore download
priority = No
2007-02-13 11:08:20 1760 5ac COMAPI - Criteria = "IsInstalled=0 and
2007-02-13 11:08:20 1760 5ac COMAPI - ServiceID =
2007-02-13 11:08:20 1760 5ac COMAPI <<-- SUBMITTED -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 11:08:20 1044 1fc Agent *************
2007-02-13 11:08:20 1044 1fc Agent ** START ** Agent: Finding updates
[CallerId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 11:08:20 1044 1fc Agent *********
2007-02-13 11:08:30 1044 1fc PT +++++++++++ PT: Synchronizing server
updates +++++++++++
2007-02-13 11:08:30 1044 1fc PT + ServiceId =
{9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77}, Server URL =
2007-02-13 11:08:38 1044 1fc Agent WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installed
rule, updateId = {03FF1EBE-C1CF-4DBA-ACDA-5C3BFBD9133D}.100, error =
2007-02-13 11:08:43 1044 1fc Misc WARNING: Send failed with hr = 80072efd.
2007-02-13 11:08:43 1044 1fc Misc WARNING: SendRequest failed with hr =
80072efd. Proxy List used: <(null)> Bypass List used : <(null)> Auth
Schemes used : <>
2007-02-13 11:08:43 1044 1fc PT + Last proxy send request failed with
hr = 0x80072EFD, HTTP status code = 0
2007-02-13 11:08:43 1044 1fc PT + Caller provided credentials = No
2007-02-13 11:08:43 1044 1fc PT + Impersonate flags = 0
2007-02-13 11:08:43 1044 1fc PT + Possible authorization schemes used =
2007-02-13 11:08:43 1044 1fc PT WARNING: SyncUpdates failure, error =
0x80072EFD, soap client error = 5, soap error code = 0, HTTP status code
= 200
2007-02-13 11:08:44 1044 1fc PT WARNING: Sync of Updates: 0x8024502d
2007-02-13 11:08:44 1044 1fc Agent * WARNING: Failed to synchronize,
error = 0x8024502D
2007-02-13 11:08:44 1044 1fc Agent * WARNING: Exit code = 0x8024502D
2007-02-13 11:08:44 1044 1fc Agent *********
2007-02-13 11:08:44 1044 1fc Agent ** END ** Agent: Finding updates
[CallerId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 11:08:44 1044 1fc Agent *************
2007-02-13 11:08:44 1044 1fc Agent WARNING: WU client failed Searching
for update with error 0x8024502d
2007-02-13 11:08:44 1760 750 COMAPI >>-- RESUMED -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 11:08:44 1760 750 COMAPI - Updates found = 0
2007-02-13 11:08:44 1760 750 COMAPI - WARNING: Exit code = 0x00000000,
Result code = 0x8024502D
2007-02-13 11:08:44 1760 750 COMAPI ---------
2007-02-13 11:08:44 1760 750 COMAPI -- END -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 11:08:44 1760 750 COMAPI -------------
2007-02-13 11:08:44 1760 5ac COMAPI WARNING: Operation failed due to
earlier error, hr=8024502D
2007-02-13 11:08:44 1760 5ac COMAPI FATAL: Unable to complete
asynchronous search. (hr=8024502D)
2007-02-13 11:08:49 1044 1fc Report REPORT EVENT:
{6A0FC6BD-0D82-4A5A-924C-FEA9C2B1A180} 2007-02-13 11:08:44-0800 1
148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 8024502d
WindowsUpdate Failure Software Synchronization Error: Agent failed
detecting with reason: 0x8024502d
2007-02-13 11:13:47 1760 5ac COMAPI -------------
2007-02-13 11:13:47 1760 5ac COMAPI -- START -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 11:13:47 1760 5ac COMAPI ---------
2007-02-13 11:13:47 1760 5ac COMAPI - Online = Yes; Ignore download
priority = No
2007-02-13 11:13:47 1760 5ac COMAPI - Criteria = "IsInstalled=0 and
2007-02-13 11:13:47 1760 5ac COMAPI - ServiceID =
2007-02-13 11:13:47 1760 5ac COMAPI <<-- SUBMITTED -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 11:13:47 1044 1fc Agent *************
2007-02-13 11:13:47 1044 1fc Agent ** START ** Agent: Finding updates
[CallerId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 11:13:47 1044 1fc Agent *********
2007-02-13 11:13:56 1044 1fc PT +++++++++++ PT: Synchronizing server
updates +++++++++++
2007-02-13 11:13:56 1044 1fc PT + ServiceId =
{9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77}, Server URL =
2007-02-13 11:14:05 1044 1fc Agent WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installed
rule, updateId = {03FF1EBE-C1CF-4DBA-ACDA-5C3BFBD9133D}.100, error =
2007-02-13 11:14:12 1044 1fc Misc WARNING: Send failed with hr = 80072efd.
2007-02-13 11:14:12 1044 1fc Misc WARNING: SendRequest failed with hr =
80072efd. Proxy List used: <(null)> Bypass List used : <(null)> Auth
Schemes used : <>
2007-02-13 11:14:12 1044 1fc PT + Last proxy send request failed with
hr = 0x80072EFD, HTTP status code = 0
2007-02-13 11:14:12 1044 1fc PT + Caller provided credentials = No
2007-02-13 11:14:12 1044 1fc PT + Impersonate flags = 0
2007-02-13 11:14:12 1044 1fc PT + Possible authorization schemes used =
2007-02-13 11:14:12 1044 1fc PT WARNING: SyncUpdates failure, error =
0x80072EFD, soap client error = 5, soap error code = 0, HTTP status code
= 200
2007-02-13 11:14:13 1044 1fc PT WARNING: Sync of Updates: 0x8024502d
2007-02-13 11:14:13 1044 1fc Agent * WARNING: Failed to synchronize,
error = 0x8024502D
2007-02-13 11:14:13 1044 1fc Agent * WARNING: Exit code = 0x8024502D
2007-02-13 11:14:13 1044 1fc Agent *********
2007-02-13 11:14:13 1044 1fc Agent ** END ** Agent: Finding updates
[CallerId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 11:14:13 1044 1fc Agent *************
2007-02-13 11:14:13 1044 1fc Agent WARNING: WU client failed Searching
for update with error 0x8024502d
2007-02-13 11:14:13 1760 750 COMAPI >>-- RESUMED -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 11:14:13 1760 750 COMAPI - Updates found = 0
2007-02-13 11:14:13 1760 750 COMAPI - WARNING: Exit code = 0x00000000,
Result code = 0x8024502D
2007-02-13 11:14:13 1760 750 COMAPI ---------
2007-02-13 11:14:13 1760 750 COMAPI -- END -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 11:14:13 1760 750 COMAPI -------------
2007-02-13 11:14:13 1760 5ac COMAPI WARNING: Operation failed due to
earlier error, hr=8024502D
2007-02-13 11:14:13 1760 5ac COMAPI FATAL: Unable to complete
asynchronous search. (hr=8024502D)
2007-02-13 11:14:18 1044 1fc Report REPORT EVENT:
{E16899C9-103E-4A4A-8F28-10017B71297B} 2007-02-13 11:14:13-0800 1
148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 8024502d
WindowsUpdate Failure Software Synchronization Error: Agent failed
detecting with reason: 0x8024502d
2007-02-13 11:20:10 1760 5ac COMAPI -------------
2007-02-13 11:20:10 1760 5ac COMAPI -- START -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 11:20:10 1760 5ac COMAPI ---------
2007-02-13 11:20:10 1760 5ac COMAPI - Online = Yes; Ignore download
priority = No
2007-02-13 11:20:10 1760 5ac COMAPI - Criteria = "IsInstalled=0 and
2007-02-13 11:20:10 1760 5ac COMAPI - ServiceID =
2007-02-13 11:20:10 1760 5ac COMAPI <<-- SUBMITTED -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 11:20:10 1044 1fc Agent *************
2007-02-13 11:20:10 1044 1fc Agent ** START ** Agent: Finding updates
[CallerId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 11:20:10 1044 1fc Agent *********
2007-02-13 11:20:19 1044 1fc PT +++++++++++ PT: Synchronizing server
updates +++++++++++
2007-02-13 11:20:19 1044 1fc PT + ServiceId =
{9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77}, Server URL =
2007-02-13 11:20:28 1044 1fc Agent WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installed
rule, updateId = {03FF1EBE-C1CF-4DBA-ACDA-5C3BFBD9133D}.100, error =
2007-02-13 11:20:34 1044 1fc Misc WARNING: Send failed with hr = 80072efd.
2007-02-13 11:20:34 1044 1fc Misc WARNING: SendRequest failed with hr =
80072efd. Proxy List used: <(null)> Bypass List used : <(null)> Auth
Schemes used : <>
2007-02-13 11:20:34 1044 1fc PT + Last proxy send request failed with
hr = 0x80072EFD, HTTP status code = 0
2007-02-13 11:20:34 1044 1fc PT + Caller provided credentials = No
2007-02-13 11:20:34 1044 1fc PT + Impersonate flags = 0
2007-02-13 11:20:34 1044 1fc PT + Possible authorization schemes used =
2007-02-13 11:20:34 1044 1fc PT WARNING: SyncUpdates failure, error =
0x80072EFD, soap client error = 5, soap error code = 0, HTTP status code
= 200
2007-02-13 11:20:35 1044 1fc PT WARNING: Sync of Updates: 0x8024502d
2007-02-13 11:20:35 1044 1fc Agent * WARNING: Failed to synchronize,
error = 0x8024502D
2007-02-13 11:20:35 1044 1fc Agent * WARNING: Exit code = 0x8024502D
2007-02-13 11:20:35 1044 1fc Agent *********
2007-02-13 11:20:35 1044 1fc Agent ** END ** Agent: Finding updates
[CallerId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 11:20:35 1044 1fc Agent *************
2007-02-13 11:20:35 1044 1fc Agent WARNING: WU client failed Searching
for update with error 0x8024502d
2007-02-13 11:20:35 1760 750 COMAPI >>-- RESUMED -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 11:20:35 1760 750 COMAPI - Updates found = 0
2007-02-13 11:20:35 1760 750 COMAPI - WARNING: Exit code = 0x00000000,
Result code = 0x8024502D
2007-02-13 11:20:35 1760 750 COMAPI ---------
2007-02-13 11:20:35 1760 750 COMAPI -- END -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 11:20:35 1760 750 COMAPI -------------
2007-02-13 11:20:35 1760 5ac COMAPI WARNING: Operation failed due to
earlier error, hr=8024502D
2007-02-13 11:20:35 1760 5ac COMAPI FATAL: Unable to complete
asynchronous search. (hr=8024502D)
2007-02-13 11:20:40 1044 1fc Report REPORT EVENT:
{B9A1E5ED-77ED-4C9E-B963-2F63F548DC61} 2007-02-13 11:20:35-0800 1
148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 8024502d
WindowsUpdate Failure Software Synchronization Error: Agent failed
detecting with reason: 0x8024502d
2007-02-13 11:41:15 1760 5ac COMAPI -------------
2007-02-13 11:41:15 1760 5ac COMAPI -- START -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 11:41:15 1760 5ac COMAPI ---------
2007-02-13 11:41:15 1760 5ac COMAPI - Online = Yes; Ignore download
priority = No
2007-02-13 11:41:15 1760 5ac COMAPI - Criteria = "IsInstalled=0 and
2007-02-13 11:41:15 1760 5ac COMAPI - ServiceID =
2007-02-13 11:41:15 1760 5ac COMAPI <<-- SUBMITTED -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 11:41:15 1044 1fc Agent *************
2007-02-13 11:41:15 1044 1fc Agent ** START ** Agent: Finding updates
[CallerId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 11:41:15 1044 1fc Agent *********
2007-02-13 11:41:23 1044 1fc PT +++++++++++ PT: Synchronizing server
updates +++++++++++
2007-02-13 11:41:23 1044 1fc PT + ServiceId =
{9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77}, Server URL =
2007-02-13 11:41:23 1044 1fc Misc WARNING: Send failed with hr = 80072efd.
2007-02-13 11:41:23 1044 1fc Misc WARNING: SendRequest failed with hr =
80072efd. Proxy List used: <(null)> Bypass List used : <(null)> Auth
Schemes used : <>
2007-02-13 11:41:23 1044 1fc PT + Last proxy send request failed with
hr = 0x80072EFD, HTTP status code = 0
2007-02-13 11:41:23 1044 1fc PT + Caller provided credentials = No
2007-02-13 11:41:23 1044 1fc PT + Impersonate flags = 0
2007-02-13 11:41:23 1044 1fc PT + Possible authorization schemes used =
2007-02-13 11:41:23 1044 1fc PT WARNING: GetCookie failure, error =
0x80072EFD, soap client error = 5, soap error code = 0, HTTP status code
= 200
2007-02-13 11:41:23 1044 1fc PT WARNING: Sync of Updates: 0x80072efd
2007-02-13 11:41:23 1044 1fc Agent * WARNING: Failed to synchronize,
error = 0x80072EFD
2007-02-13 11:41:23 1044 1fc Agent * WARNING: Exit code = 0x80072EFD
2007-02-13 11:41:23 1044 1fc Agent *********
2007-02-13 11:41:23 1044 1fc Agent ** END ** Agent: Finding updates
[CallerId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 11:41:23 1044 1fc Agent *************
2007-02-13 11:41:23 1044 1fc Agent WARNING: WU client failed Searching
for update with error 0x80072efd
2007-02-13 11:41:23 1760 5a8 COMAPI >>-- RESUMED -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 11:41:23 1760 5a8 COMAPI - Updates found = 0
2007-02-13 11:41:23 1760 5a8 COMAPI - WARNING: Exit code = 0x00000000,
Result code = 0x80072EFD
2007-02-13 11:41:23 1760 5a8 COMAPI ---------
2007-02-13 11:41:23 1760 5a8 COMAPI -- END -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 11:41:23 1760 5a8 COMAPI -------------
2007-02-13 11:41:23 1760 5ac COMAPI WARNING: Operation failed due to
earlier error, hr=80072EFD
2007-02-13 11:41:23 1760 5ac COMAPI FATAL: Unable to complete
asynchronous search. (hr=80072EFD)
2007-02-13 11:41:28 1044 1fc Report REPORT EVENT:
{33B88128-B410-4BB6-A437-7C42446E9F4C} 2007-02-13 11:41:23-0800 1
148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 80072efd
WindowsUpdate Failure Software Synchronization Error: Agent failed
detecting with reason: 0x80072efd
2007-02-13 11:45:20 1044 418 Agent Sending shutdown notification to client
2007-02-13 11:45:25 1044 418 Service *********
2007-02-13 11:45:25 1044 418 Service ** END ** Service: Service exit
[Exit code = 0x240001]
2007-02-13 11:45:25 1044 418 Service *************
2007-02-13 11:45:33 1040 414 Misc =========== Logging initialized
(build:, tz: -0800) ===========
2007-02-13 11:45:33 1040 414 Misc = Process: C:\WINNT\system32\svchost.exe
2007-02-13 11:45:33 1040 414 Misc = Module: C:\WINNT\system32\wuaueng.dll
2007-02-13 11:45:33 1040 414 Service *************
2007-02-13 11:45:33 1040 414 Service ** START ** Service: Service startup
2007-02-13 11:45:33 1040 414 Service *********
2007-02-13 11:45:34 1040 414 Agent * WU client version
2007-02-13 11:45:34 1040 414 Agent * SusClientId =
2007-02-13 11:45:34 1040 414 Agent * Base directory:
2007-02-13 11:45:34 1040 414 Agent * Access type: No proxy
2007-02-13 11:45:34 1040 414 Agent * Network state: Connected
2007-02-13 11:46:21 1040 414 Agent *********** Agent: Initializing
Windows Update Agent ***********
2007-02-13 11:46:21 1040 414 Agent *********** Agent: Initializing
global settings cache ***********
2007-02-13 11:46:21 1040 414 Agent * WSUS server: <NULL>
2007-02-13 11:46:21 1040 414 Agent * WSUS status server: <NULL>
2007-02-13 11:46:21 1040 414 Agent * Target group: (Unassigned Computers)
2007-02-13 11:46:21 1040 414 Agent * Windows Update access disabled: No
2007-02-13 11:46:21 1040 414 DnldMgr Download manager restoring 0 downloads
2007-02-13 11:46:21 1040 414 AU ########### AU: Initializing Automatic
Updates ###########
2007-02-13 11:46:21 1040 414 AU # AU disabled through User preference
2007-02-13 11:46:21 1040 414 AU # AU is disabled, not initializing any
2007-02-13 11:55:17 1476 27c Misc =========== Logging initialized
(build:, tz: -0800) ===========
2007-02-13 11:55:17 1476 27c Misc = Process: C:\Program Files\Internet
2007-02-13 11:55:17 1476 27c Misc = Module: C:\WINNT\system32\wuweb.dll
2007-02-13 11:55:17 1476 27c Setup *********** Setup: Checking whether
self-update is required ***********
2007-02-13 11:55:17 1476 27c Setup * Inf file:
2007-02-13 11:55:17 1476 27c Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINNT\system32\cdm.dll: target version =, required version
2007-02-13 11:55:17 1476 27c Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINNT\system32\iuengine.dll: target version =, required
version =
2007-02-13 11:55:17 1476 27c Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINNT\system32\wuapi.dll: target version =, required
version =
2007-02-13 11:55:17 1476 27c Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINNT\system32\wuauclt.exe: target version =, required
version =
2007-02-13 11:55:17 1476 27c Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINNT\system32\wuauclt1.exe: target version =, required
version =
2007-02-13 11:55:17 1476 27c Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINNT\system32\wuaucpl.cpl: target version =, required
version =
2007-02-13 11:55:17 1476 27c Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINNT\system32\wuaueng.dll: target version =, required
version =
2007-02-13 11:55:17 1476 27c Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINNT\system32\wuaueng1.dll: target version =, required
version =
2007-02-13 11:55:17 1476 27c Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINNT\system32\wucltui.dll: target version =, required
version =
2007-02-13 11:55:17 1476 27c Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINNT\system32\wups.dll: target version =, required
version =
2007-02-13 11:55:17 1476 27c Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINNT\system32\wups2.dll: target version =, required
version =
2007-02-13 11:55:17 1476 27c Setup * IsUpdateRequired = No
2007-02-13 11:55:24 1476 27c Misc =========== Logging initialized
(build:, tz: -0800) ===========
2007-02-13 11:55:24 1476 27c Misc = Process: C:\Program Files\Internet
2007-02-13 11:55:24 1476 27c Misc = Module: C:\WINNT\system32\wuapi.dll
2007-02-13 11:55:24 1476 27c COMAPI -------------
2007-02-13 11:55:24 1476 27c COMAPI -- START -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 11:55:24 1476 27c COMAPI ---------
2007-02-13 11:55:24 1476 27c COMAPI - Online = Yes; Ignore download
priority = No
2007-02-13 11:55:24 1476 27c COMAPI - Criteria = "IsInstalled=0 and
2007-02-13 11:55:24 1476 27c COMAPI - ServiceID =
2007-02-13 11:55:24 1476 27c COMAPI <<-- SUBMITTED -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 11:55:24 1040 5d8 Agent *************
2007-02-13 11:55:24 1040 5d8 Agent ** START ** Agent: Finding updates
[CallerId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 11:55:24 1040 5d8 Agent *********
2007-02-13 11:55:27 1040 5d8 PT +++++++++++ PT: Synchronizing server
updates +++++++++++
2007-02-13 11:55:27 1040 5d8 PT + ServiceId =
{9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77}, Server URL =
2007-02-13 11:55:32 1040 5d8 Misc WARNING: Send failed with hr = 80072efd.
2007-02-13 11:55:32 1040 5d8 Misc WARNING: SendRequest failed with hr =
80072efd. Proxy List used: <(null)> Bypass List used : <(null)> Auth
Schemes used : <>
2007-02-13 11:55:32 1040 5d8 PT + Last proxy send request failed with
hr = 0x80072EFD, HTTP status code = 0
2007-02-13 11:55:32 1040 5d8 PT + Caller provided credentials = No
2007-02-13 11:55:32 1040 5d8 PT + Impersonate flags = 0
2007-02-13 11:55:32 1040 5d8 PT + Possible authorization schemes used =
2007-02-13 11:55:32 1040 5d8 PT WARNING: GetCookie failure, error =
0x80072EFD, soap client error = 5, soap error code = 0, HTTP status code
= 200
2007-02-13 11:55:32 1040 5d8 PT WARNING: Sync of Updates: 0x80072efd
2007-02-13 11:55:32 1040 5d8 Agent * WARNING: Failed to synchronize,
error = 0x80072EFD
2007-02-13 11:55:32 1040 5d8 Report *********** Report: Initializing
static reporting data ***********
2007-02-13 11:55:32 1040 5d8 Report * OS Version = 5.0.2195.4.0.65536
2007-02-13 11:55:33 1040 5d8 Report * Computer Brand = GBT___
2007-02-13 11:55:33 1040 5d8 Report * Computer Model = AWRDACPI
2007-02-13 11:55:33 1040 5d8 Report * Bios Revision = 6.00 PG
2007-02-13 11:55:33 1040 5d8 Report * Bios Name = Default System BIOS
2007-02-13 11:55:33 1040 5d8 Report * Bios Release Date =
2007-02-13 11:55:33 1040 5d8 Report * Locale ID = 1033
2007-02-13 11:55:34 1040 5d8 Agent * WARNING: Exit code = 0x80072EFD
2007-02-13 11:55:34 1040 5d8 Agent *********
2007-02-13 11:55:34 1040 5d8 Agent ** END ** Agent: Finding updates
[CallerId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 11:55:34 1040 5d8 Agent *************
2007-02-13 11:55:34 1040 5d8 Agent WARNING: WU client failed Searching
for update with error 0x80072efd
2007-02-13 11:55:34 1476 748 COMAPI >>-- RESUMED -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 11:55:34 1476 748 COMAPI - Updates found = 0
2007-02-13 11:55:34 1476 748 COMAPI - WARNING: Exit code = 0x00000000,
Result code = 0x80072EFD
2007-02-13 11:55:34 1476 748 COMAPI ---------
2007-02-13 11:55:34 1476 748 COMAPI -- END -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 11:55:34 1476 748 COMAPI -------------
2007-02-13 11:55:34 1476 27c COMAPI WARNING: Operation failed due to
earlier error, hr=80072EFD
2007-02-13 11:55:34 1476 27c COMAPI FATAL: Unable to complete
asynchronous search. (hr=80072EFD)
2007-02-13 11:55:38 1040 5d8 Report REPORT EVENT:
{4F6AE2D8-32BA-4142-BD0E-C25865E7A24D} 2007-02-13 11:55:32-0800 1
148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 80072efd
WindowsUpdate Failure Software Synchronization Error: Agent failed
detecting with reason: 0x80072efd
The problem started today so I don't know if it is my side or MS' side.
I wasn't able to reproduce this on my older machine (Micron P2 450 Mhz
with Windows 2000 SP4). Is there a fix or something for this issue?
Thank you in advance.
Phillip Pi
Senior Software Quality Assurance Analyst
ISP/Symantec Online Services, Consumer Business Unit
Symantec Corporation
When I run Windows Update in my old 2000 SP4 installation (had it since
2002 in the same old Pentium 3 system), it shows Error number:
0x80072EFD when checking for updates in IE 6.0 SP2. I checked Windows
Update.log and found this:
2007-02-13 10:52:30 1760 5ac Misc =========== Logging initialized
(build:, tz: -0800) ===========
2007-02-13 10:52:30 1760 5ac Misc = Process: C:\Program Files\Internet
2007-02-13 10:52:30 1760 5ac Misc = Module: C:\WINNT\system32\wuweb.dll
2007-02-13 10:52:30 1760 5ac Setup *********** Setup: Checking whether
self-update is required ***********
2007-02-13 10:52:30 1760 5ac Setup * Inf file:
2007-02-13 10:52:30 1760 5ac Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINNT\system32\cdm.dll: target version =, required version
2007-02-13 10:52:30 1760 5ac Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINNT\system32\iuengine.dll: target version =, required
version =
2007-02-13 10:52:30 1760 5ac Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINNT\system32\wuapi.dll: target version =, required
version =
2007-02-13 10:52:30 1760 5ac Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINNT\system32\wuauclt.exe: target version =, required
version =
2007-02-13 10:52:30 1760 5ac Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINNT\system32\wuauclt1.exe: target version =, required
version =
2007-02-13 10:52:30 1760 5ac Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINNT\system32\wuaucpl.cpl: target version =, required
version =
2007-02-13 10:52:30 1760 5ac Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINNT\system32\wuaueng.dll: target version =, required
version =
2007-02-13 10:52:30 1760 5ac Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINNT\system32\wuaueng1.dll: target version =, required
version =
2007-02-13 10:52:30 1760 5ac Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINNT\system32\wucltui.dll: target version =, required
version =
2007-02-13 10:52:30 1760 5ac Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINNT\system32\wups.dll: target version =, required
version =
2007-02-13 10:52:30 1760 5ac Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINNT\system32\wups2.dll: target version =, required
version =
2007-02-13 10:52:30 1760 5ac Setup * IsUpdateRequired = No
2007-02-13 10:55:33 1760 5ac Misc =========== Logging initialized
(build:, tz: -0800) ===========
2007-02-13 10:55:33 1760 5ac Misc = Process: C:\Program Files\Internet
2007-02-13 10:55:33 1760 5ac Misc = Module: C:\WINNT\system32\wuapi.dll
2007-02-13 10:55:33 1760 5ac COMAPI -------------
2007-02-13 10:55:33 1760 5ac COMAPI -- START -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 10:55:33 1760 5ac COMAPI ---------
2007-02-13 10:55:33 1760 5ac COMAPI - Online = Yes; Ignore download
priority = No
2007-02-13 10:55:33 1760 5ac COMAPI - Criteria = "IsInstalled=0 and
2007-02-13 10:55:33 1760 5ac COMAPI - ServiceID =
2007-02-13 10:55:33 1760 5ac COMAPI <<-- SUBMITTED -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 10:55:33 1044 1fc Agent *************
2007-02-13 10:55:33 1044 1fc Agent ** START ** Agent: Finding updates
[CallerId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 10:55:33 1044 1fc Agent *********
2007-02-13 10:55:42 1044 1fc PT +++++++++++ PT: Synchronizing server
updates +++++++++++
2007-02-13 10:55:42 1044 1fc PT + ServiceId =
{9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77}, Server URL =
2007-02-13 10:56:00 1044 1fc Agent WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installed
rule, updateId = {03FF1EBE-C1CF-4DBA-ACDA-5C3BFBD9133D}.100, error =
2007-02-13 10:56:07 1044 1fc Misc WARNING: Send failed with hr = 80072efd.
2007-02-13 10:56:07 1044 1fc Misc WARNING: SendRequest failed with hr =
80072efd. Proxy List used: <(null)> Bypass List used : <(null)> Auth
Schemes used : <>
2007-02-13 10:56:07 1044 1fc PT + Last proxy send request failed with
hr = 0x80072EFD, HTTP status code = 0
2007-02-13 10:56:07 1044 1fc PT + Caller provided credentials = No
2007-02-13 10:56:07 1044 1fc PT + Impersonate flags = 0
2007-02-13 10:56:07 1044 1fc PT + Possible authorization schemes used =
2007-02-13 10:56:07 1044 1fc PT WARNING: SyncUpdates failure, error =
0x80072EFD, soap client error = 5, soap error code = 0, HTTP status code
= 200
2007-02-13 10:56:08 1044 1fc PT WARNING: Sync of Updates: 0x8024502d
2007-02-13 10:56:08 1044 1fc Agent * WARNING: Failed to synchronize,
error = 0x8024502D
2007-02-13 10:56:08 1044 1fc Report *********** Report: Initializing
static reporting data ***********
2007-02-13 10:56:08 1044 1fc Report * OS Version = 5.0.2195.4.0.65536
2007-02-13 10:56:08 1044 1fc Report * Computer Brand = GBT___
2007-02-13 10:56:08 1044 1fc Report * Computer Model = AWRDACPI
2007-02-13 10:56:08 1044 1fc Report * Bios Revision = 6.00 PG
2007-02-13 10:56:08 1044 1fc Report * Bios Name = Default System BIOS
2007-02-13 10:56:08 1044 1fc Report * Bios Release Date =
2007-02-13 10:56:08 1044 1fc Report * Locale ID = 1033
2007-02-13 10:56:09 1044 1fc Agent * WARNING: Exit code = 0x8024502D
2007-02-13 10:56:09 1044 1fc Agent *********
2007-02-13 10:56:09 1044 1fc Agent ** END ** Agent: Finding updates
[CallerId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 10:56:09 1044 1fc Agent *************
2007-02-13 10:56:09 1044 1fc Agent WARNING: WU client failed Searching
for update with error 0x8024502d
2007-02-13 10:56:09 1760 750 COMAPI >>-- RESUMED -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 10:56:09 1760 750 COMAPI - Updates found = 0
2007-02-13 10:56:09 1760 750 COMAPI - WARNING: Exit code = 0x00000000,
Result code = 0x8024502D
2007-02-13 10:56:09 1760 750 COMAPI ---------
2007-02-13 10:56:09 1760 750 COMAPI -- END -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 10:56:09 1760 750 COMAPI -------------
2007-02-13 10:56:09 1760 5ac COMAPI WARNING: Operation failed due to
earlier error, hr=8024502D
2007-02-13 10:56:09 1760 5ac COMAPI FATAL: Unable to complete
asynchronous search. (hr=8024502D)
2007-02-13 10:56:14 1044 1fc Report REPORT EVENT:
{5B247B20-DAF3-4148-88B9-5A60D69CDC62} 2007-02-13 10:56:08-0800 1
148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 8024502d
WindowsUpdate Failure Software Synchronization Error: Agent failed
detecting with reason: 0x8024502d
2007-02-13 10:58:10 1760 5ac COMAPI -------------
2007-02-13 10:58:10 1760 5ac COMAPI -- START -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 10:58:10 1760 5ac COMAPI ---------
2007-02-13 10:58:10 1760 5ac COMAPI - Online = Yes; Ignore download
priority = No
2007-02-13 10:58:10 1760 5ac COMAPI - Criteria = "IsInstalled=0 and
2007-02-13 10:58:10 1760 5ac COMAPI - ServiceID =
2007-02-13 10:58:10 1760 5ac COMAPI <<-- SUBMITTED -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 10:58:10 1044 1fc Agent *************
2007-02-13 10:58:10 1044 1fc Agent ** START ** Agent: Finding updates
[CallerId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 10:58:10 1044 1fc Agent *********
2007-02-13 10:58:12 1044 1fc PT +++++++++++ PT: Synchronizing server
updates +++++++++++
2007-02-13 10:58:12 1044 1fc PT + ServiceId =
{9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77}, Server URL =
2007-02-13 10:58:28 1044 1fc Agent WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installed
rule, updateId = {03FF1EBE-C1CF-4DBA-ACDA-5C3BFBD9133D}.100, error =
2007-02-13 10:58:28 1044 1fc Misc WARNING: Send failed with hr = 80072efd.
2007-02-13 10:58:28 1044 1fc Misc WARNING: SendRequest failed with hr =
80072efd. Proxy List used: <(null)> Bypass List used : <(null)> Auth
Schemes used : <>
2007-02-13 10:58:28 1044 1fc PT + Last proxy send request failed with
hr = 0x80072EFD, HTTP status code = 0
2007-02-13 10:58:28 1044 1fc PT + Caller provided credentials = No
2007-02-13 10:58:28 1044 1fc PT + Impersonate flags = 0
2007-02-13 10:58:28 1044 1fc PT + Possible authorization schemes used =
2007-02-13 10:58:28 1044 1fc PT WARNING: SyncUpdates failure, error =
0x80072EFD, soap client error = 5, soap error code = 0, HTTP status code
= 200
2007-02-13 10:58:30 1044 1fc PT WARNING: Sync of Updates: 0x8024502d
2007-02-13 10:58:30 1044 1fc Agent * WARNING: Failed to synchronize,
error = 0x8024502D
2007-02-13 10:58:30 1044 1fc Agent * WARNING: Exit code = 0x8024502D
2007-02-13 10:58:30 1044 1fc Agent *********
2007-02-13 10:58:30 1044 1fc Agent ** END ** Agent: Finding updates
[CallerId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 10:58:30 1044 1fc Agent *************
2007-02-13 10:58:30 1044 1fc Agent WARNING: WU client failed Searching
for update with error 0x8024502d
2007-02-13 10:58:30 1760 750 COMAPI >>-- RESUMED -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 10:58:30 1760 750 COMAPI - Updates found = 0
2007-02-13 10:58:30 1760 750 COMAPI - WARNING: Exit code = 0x00000000,
Result code = 0x8024502D
2007-02-13 10:58:30 1760 750 COMAPI ---------
2007-02-13 10:58:30 1760 750 COMAPI -- END -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 10:58:30 1760 750 COMAPI -------------
2007-02-13 10:58:30 1760 5ac COMAPI WARNING: Operation failed due to
earlier error, hr=8024502D
2007-02-13 10:58:30 1760 5ac COMAPI FATAL: Unable to complete
asynchronous search. (hr=8024502D)
2007-02-13 10:58:35 1044 1fc Report REPORT EVENT:
{0632BC5D-53F5-4646-BAE5-BEB4C28EAA7A} 2007-02-13 10:58:30-0800 1
148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 8024502d
WindowsUpdate Failure Software Synchronization Error: Agent failed
detecting with reason: 0x8024502d
2007-02-13 10:58:55 1760 5ac COMAPI -------------
2007-02-13 10:58:55 1760 5ac COMAPI -- START -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 10:58:55 1760 5ac COMAPI ---------
2007-02-13 10:58:55 1760 5ac COMAPI - Online = Yes; Ignore download
priority = No
2007-02-13 10:58:55 1760 5ac COMAPI - Criteria = "IsInstalled=0 and
2007-02-13 10:58:55 1760 5ac COMAPI - ServiceID =
2007-02-13 10:58:55 1760 5ac COMAPI <<-- SUBMITTED -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 10:58:55 1044 1fc Agent *************
2007-02-13 10:58:55 1044 1fc Agent ** START ** Agent: Finding updates
[CallerId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 10:58:55 1044 1fc Agent *********
2007-02-13 10:58:57 1044 1fc PT +++++++++++ PT: Synchronizing server
updates +++++++++++
2007-02-13 10:58:57 1044 1fc PT + ServiceId =
{9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77}, Server URL =
2007-02-13 10:59:05 1044 1fc Agent WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installed
rule, updateId = {03FF1EBE-C1CF-4DBA-ACDA-5C3BFBD9133D}.100, error =
2007-02-13 10:59:05 1044 1fc Misc WARNING: Send failed with hr = 80072efd.
2007-02-13 10:59:05 1044 1fc Misc WARNING: SendRequest failed with hr =
80072efd. Proxy List used: <(null)> Bypass List used : <(null)> Auth
Schemes used : <>
2007-02-13 10:59:05 1044 1fc PT + Last proxy send request failed with
hr = 0x80072EFD, HTTP status code = 0
2007-02-13 10:59:05 1044 1fc PT + Caller provided credentials = No
2007-02-13 10:59:05 1044 1fc PT + Impersonate flags = 0
2007-02-13 10:59:05 1044 1fc PT + Possible authorization schemes used =
2007-02-13 10:59:05 1044 1fc PT WARNING: SyncUpdates failure, error =
0x80072EFD, soap client error = 5, soap error code = 0, HTTP status code
= 200
2007-02-13 10:59:06 1044 1fc PT WARNING: Sync of Updates: 0x8024502d
2007-02-13 10:59:06 1044 1fc Agent * WARNING: Failed to synchronize,
error = 0x8024502D
2007-02-13 10:59:06 1044 1fc Agent * WARNING: Exit code = 0x8024502D
2007-02-13 10:59:06 1044 1fc Agent *********
2007-02-13 10:59:06 1044 1fc Agent ** END ** Agent: Finding updates
[CallerId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 10:59:06 1044 1fc Agent *************
2007-02-13 10:59:06 1044 1fc Agent WARNING: WU client failed Searching
for update with error 0x8024502d
2007-02-13 10:59:06 1760 750 COMAPI >>-- RESUMED -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 10:59:06 1760 750 COMAPI - Updates found = 0
2007-02-13 10:59:06 1760 750 COMAPI - WARNING: Exit code = 0x00000000,
Result code = 0x8024502D
2007-02-13 10:59:06 1760 750 COMAPI ---------
2007-02-13 10:59:06 1760 750 COMAPI -- END -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 10:59:06 1760 750 COMAPI -------------
2007-02-13 10:59:06 1760 5ac COMAPI WARNING: Operation failed due to
earlier error, hr=8024502D
2007-02-13 10:59:06 1760 5ac COMAPI FATAL: Unable to complete
asynchronous search. (hr=8024502D)
2007-02-13 10:59:11 1044 1fc Report REPORT EVENT:
{96D660E7-0342-459D-AB6B-CE1F4ADE8814} 2007-02-13 10:59:06-0800 1
148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 8024502d
WindowsUpdate Failure Software Synchronization Error: Agent failed
detecting with reason: 0x8024502d
2007-02-13 10:59:15 1760 5ac COMAPI -------------
2007-02-13 10:59:15 1760 5ac COMAPI -- START -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 10:59:15 1760 5ac COMAPI ---------
2007-02-13 10:59:15 1760 5ac COMAPI - Online = Yes; Ignore download
priority = No
2007-02-13 10:59:15 1760 5ac COMAPI - Criteria = "IsInstalled=0 and
2007-02-13 10:59:15 1760 5ac COMAPI - ServiceID =
2007-02-13 10:59:15 1760 5ac COMAPI <<-- SUBMITTED -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 10:59:16 1044 1fc Agent *************
2007-02-13 10:59:16 1044 1fc Agent ** START ** Agent: Finding updates
[CallerId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 10:59:16 1044 1fc Agent *********
2007-02-13 10:59:18 1044 1fc PT +++++++++++ PT: Synchronizing server
updates +++++++++++
2007-02-13 10:59:18 1044 1fc PT + ServiceId =
{9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77}, Server URL =
2007-02-13 10:59:31 1044 1fc Agent WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installed
rule, updateId = {03FF1EBE-C1CF-4DBA-ACDA-5C3BFBD9133D}.100, error =
2007-02-13 10:59:31 1044 1fc Misc WARNING: Send failed with hr = 80072efd.
2007-02-13 10:59:31 1044 1fc Misc WARNING: SendRequest failed with hr =
80072efd. Proxy List used: <(null)> Bypass List used : <(null)> Auth
Schemes used : <>
2007-02-13 10:59:31 1044 1fc PT + Last proxy send request failed with
hr = 0x80072EFD, HTTP status code = 0
2007-02-13 10:59:31 1044 1fc PT + Caller provided credentials = No
2007-02-13 10:59:31 1044 1fc PT + Impersonate flags = 0
2007-02-13 10:59:31 1044 1fc PT + Possible authorization schemes used =
2007-02-13 10:59:31 1044 1fc PT WARNING: SyncUpdates failure, error =
0x80072EFD, soap client error = 5, soap error code = 0, HTTP status code
= 200
2007-02-13 10:59:33 1044 1fc PT WARNING: Sync of Updates: 0x8024502d
2007-02-13 10:59:33 1044 1fc Agent * WARNING: Failed to synchronize,
error = 0x8024502D
2007-02-13 10:59:33 1044 1fc Agent * WARNING: Exit code = 0x8024502D
2007-02-13 10:59:33 1044 1fc Agent *********
2007-02-13 10:59:33 1044 1fc Agent ** END ** Agent: Finding updates
[CallerId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 10:59:33 1044 1fc Agent *************
2007-02-13 10:59:33 1044 1fc Agent WARNING: WU client failed Searching
for update with error 0x8024502d
2007-02-13 10:59:33 1760 750 COMAPI >>-- RESUMED -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 10:59:33 1760 750 COMAPI - Updates found = 0
2007-02-13 10:59:33 1760 750 COMAPI - WARNING: Exit code = 0x00000000,
Result code = 0x8024502D
2007-02-13 10:59:33 1760 750 COMAPI ---------
2007-02-13 10:59:33 1760 750 COMAPI -- END -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 10:59:33 1760 750 COMAPI -------------
2007-02-13 10:59:33 1760 5ac COMAPI WARNING: Operation failed due to
earlier error, hr=8024502D
2007-02-13 10:59:33 1760 5ac COMAPI FATAL: Unable to complete
asynchronous search. (hr=8024502D)
2007-02-13 10:59:38 1044 1fc Report REPORT EVENT:
{49D20D67-C400-4BDC-BB71-1C0BE4B7612C} 2007-02-13 10:59:33-0800 1
148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 8024502d
WindowsUpdate Failure Software Synchronization Error: Agent failed
detecting with reason: 0x8024502d
2007-02-13 10:59:56 1760 5ac COMAPI -------------
2007-02-13 10:59:56 1760 5ac COMAPI -- START -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 10:59:56 1760 5ac COMAPI ---------
2007-02-13 10:59:56 1760 5ac COMAPI - Online = Yes; Ignore download
priority = No
2007-02-13 10:59:56 1760 5ac COMAPI - Criteria = "IsInstalled=0 and
2007-02-13 10:59:56 1760 5ac COMAPI - ServiceID =
2007-02-13 10:59:56 1760 5ac COMAPI <<-- SUBMITTED -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 10:59:56 1044 1fc Agent *************
2007-02-13 10:59:56 1044 1fc Agent ** START ** Agent: Finding updates
[CallerId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 10:59:56 1044 1fc Agent *********
2007-02-13 11:00:03 1044 1fc PT +++++++++++ PT: Synchronizing server
updates +++++++++++
2007-02-13 11:00:03 1044 1fc PT + ServiceId =
{9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77}, Server URL =
2007-02-13 11:00:12 1044 1fc Agent WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installed
rule, updateId = {03FF1EBE-C1CF-4DBA-ACDA-5C3BFBD9133D}.100, error =
2007-02-13 11:00:12 1044 1fc Misc WARNING: Send failed with hr = 80072efd.
2007-02-13 11:00:12 1044 1fc Misc WARNING: SendRequest failed with hr =
80072efd. Proxy List used: <(null)> Bypass List used : <(null)> Auth
Schemes used : <>
2007-02-13 11:00:12 1044 1fc PT + Last proxy send request failed with
hr = 0x80072EFD, HTTP status code = 0
2007-02-13 11:00:12 1044 1fc PT + Caller provided credentials = No
2007-02-13 11:00:12 1044 1fc PT + Impersonate flags = 0
2007-02-13 11:00:12 1044 1fc PT + Possible authorization schemes used =
2007-02-13 11:00:12 1044 1fc PT WARNING: SyncUpdates failure, error =
0x80072EFD, soap client error = 5, soap error code = 0, HTTP status code
= 200
2007-02-13 11:00:13 1044 1fc PT WARNING: Sync of Updates: 0x8024502d
2007-02-13 11:00:13 1044 1fc Agent * WARNING: Failed to synchronize,
error = 0x8024502D
2007-02-13 11:00:13 1044 1fc Agent * WARNING: Exit code = 0x8024502D
2007-02-13 11:00:13 1044 1fc Agent *********
2007-02-13 11:00:13 1044 1fc Agent ** END ** Agent: Finding updates
[CallerId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 11:00:13 1044 1fc Agent *************
2007-02-13 11:00:13 1044 1fc Agent WARNING: WU client failed Searching
for update with error 0x8024502d
2007-02-13 11:00:13 1760 750 COMAPI >>-- RESUMED -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 11:00:13 1760 750 COMAPI - Updates found = 0
2007-02-13 11:00:13 1760 750 COMAPI - WARNING: Exit code = 0x00000000,
Result code = 0x8024502D
2007-02-13 11:00:13 1760 750 COMAPI ---------
2007-02-13 11:00:13 1760 750 COMAPI -- END -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 11:00:13 1760 750 COMAPI -------------
2007-02-13 11:00:13 1760 5ac COMAPI WARNING: Operation failed due to
earlier error, hr=8024502D
2007-02-13 11:00:13 1760 5ac COMAPI FATAL: Unable to complete
asynchronous search. (hr=8024502D)
2007-02-13 11:00:18 1044 1fc Report REPORT EVENT:
{BD150012-F256-4B7D-B8D4-D1F9B337BAE3} 2007-02-13 11:00:13-0800 1
148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 8024502d
WindowsUpdate Failure Software Synchronization Error: Agent failed
detecting with reason: 0x8024502d
2007-02-13 11:08:20 1760 5ac COMAPI -------------
2007-02-13 11:08:20 1760 5ac COMAPI -- START -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 11:08:20 1760 5ac COMAPI ---------
2007-02-13 11:08:20 1760 5ac COMAPI - Online = Yes; Ignore download
priority = No
2007-02-13 11:08:20 1760 5ac COMAPI - Criteria = "IsInstalled=0 and
2007-02-13 11:08:20 1760 5ac COMAPI - ServiceID =
2007-02-13 11:08:20 1760 5ac COMAPI <<-- SUBMITTED -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 11:08:20 1044 1fc Agent *************
2007-02-13 11:08:20 1044 1fc Agent ** START ** Agent: Finding updates
[CallerId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 11:08:20 1044 1fc Agent *********
2007-02-13 11:08:30 1044 1fc PT +++++++++++ PT: Synchronizing server
updates +++++++++++
2007-02-13 11:08:30 1044 1fc PT + ServiceId =
{9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77}, Server URL =
2007-02-13 11:08:38 1044 1fc Agent WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installed
rule, updateId = {03FF1EBE-C1CF-4DBA-ACDA-5C3BFBD9133D}.100, error =
2007-02-13 11:08:43 1044 1fc Misc WARNING: Send failed with hr = 80072efd.
2007-02-13 11:08:43 1044 1fc Misc WARNING: SendRequest failed with hr =
80072efd. Proxy List used: <(null)> Bypass List used : <(null)> Auth
Schemes used : <>
2007-02-13 11:08:43 1044 1fc PT + Last proxy send request failed with
hr = 0x80072EFD, HTTP status code = 0
2007-02-13 11:08:43 1044 1fc PT + Caller provided credentials = No
2007-02-13 11:08:43 1044 1fc PT + Impersonate flags = 0
2007-02-13 11:08:43 1044 1fc PT + Possible authorization schemes used =
2007-02-13 11:08:43 1044 1fc PT WARNING: SyncUpdates failure, error =
0x80072EFD, soap client error = 5, soap error code = 0, HTTP status code
= 200
2007-02-13 11:08:44 1044 1fc PT WARNING: Sync of Updates: 0x8024502d
2007-02-13 11:08:44 1044 1fc Agent * WARNING: Failed to synchronize,
error = 0x8024502D
2007-02-13 11:08:44 1044 1fc Agent * WARNING: Exit code = 0x8024502D
2007-02-13 11:08:44 1044 1fc Agent *********
2007-02-13 11:08:44 1044 1fc Agent ** END ** Agent: Finding updates
[CallerId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 11:08:44 1044 1fc Agent *************
2007-02-13 11:08:44 1044 1fc Agent WARNING: WU client failed Searching
for update with error 0x8024502d
2007-02-13 11:08:44 1760 750 COMAPI >>-- RESUMED -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 11:08:44 1760 750 COMAPI - Updates found = 0
2007-02-13 11:08:44 1760 750 COMAPI - WARNING: Exit code = 0x00000000,
Result code = 0x8024502D
2007-02-13 11:08:44 1760 750 COMAPI ---------
2007-02-13 11:08:44 1760 750 COMAPI -- END -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 11:08:44 1760 750 COMAPI -------------
2007-02-13 11:08:44 1760 5ac COMAPI WARNING: Operation failed due to
earlier error, hr=8024502D
2007-02-13 11:08:44 1760 5ac COMAPI FATAL: Unable to complete
asynchronous search. (hr=8024502D)
2007-02-13 11:08:49 1044 1fc Report REPORT EVENT:
{6A0FC6BD-0D82-4A5A-924C-FEA9C2B1A180} 2007-02-13 11:08:44-0800 1
148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 8024502d
WindowsUpdate Failure Software Synchronization Error: Agent failed
detecting with reason: 0x8024502d
2007-02-13 11:13:47 1760 5ac COMAPI -------------
2007-02-13 11:13:47 1760 5ac COMAPI -- START -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 11:13:47 1760 5ac COMAPI ---------
2007-02-13 11:13:47 1760 5ac COMAPI - Online = Yes; Ignore download
priority = No
2007-02-13 11:13:47 1760 5ac COMAPI - Criteria = "IsInstalled=0 and
2007-02-13 11:13:47 1760 5ac COMAPI - ServiceID =
2007-02-13 11:13:47 1760 5ac COMAPI <<-- SUBMITTED -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 11:13:47 1044 1fc Agent *************
2007-02-13 11:13:47 1044 1fc Agent ** START ** Agent: Finding updates
[CallerId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 11:13:47 1044 1fc Agent *********
2007-02-13 11:13:56 1044 1fc PT +++++++++++ PT: Synchronizing server
updates +++++++++++
2007-02-13 11:13:56 1044 1fc PT + ServiceId =
{9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77}, Server URL =
2007-02-13 11:14:05 1044 1fc Agent WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installed
rule, updateId = {03FF1EBE-C1CF-4DBA-ACDA-5C3BFBD9133D}.100, error =
2007-02-13 11:14:12 1044 1fc Misc WARNING: Send failed with hr = 80072efd.
2007-02-13 11:14:12 1044 1fc Misc WARNING: SendRequest failed with hr =
80072efd. Proxy List used: <(null)> Bypass List used : <(null)> Auth
Schemes used : <>
2007-02-13 11:14:12 1044 1fc PT + Last proxy send request failed with
hr = 0x80072EFD, HTTP status code = 0
2007-02-13 11:14:12 1044 1fc PT + Caller provided credentials = No
2007-02-13 11:14:12 1044 1fc PT + Impersonate flags = 0
2007-02-13 11:14:12 1044 1fc PT + Possible authorization schemes used =
2007-02-13 11:14:12 1044 1fc PT WARNING: SyncUpdates failure, error =
0x80072EFD, soap client error = 5, soap error code = 0, HTTP status code
= 200
2007-02-13 11:14:13 1044 1fc PT WARNING: Sync of Updates: 0x8024502d
2007-02-13 11:14:13 1044 1fc Agent * WARNING: Failed to synchronize,
error = 0x8024502D
2007-02-13 11:14:13 1044 1fc Agent * WARNING: Exit code = 0x8024502D
2007-02-13 11:14:13 1044 1fc Agent *********
2007-02-13 11:14:13 1044 1fc Agent ** END ** Agent: Finding updates
[CallerId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 11:14:13 1044 1fc Agent *************
2007-02-13 11:14:13 1044 1fc Agent WARNING: WU client failed Searching
for update with error 0x8024502d
2007-02-13 11:14:13 1760 750 COMAPI >>-- RESUMED -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 11:14:13 1760 750 COMAPI - Updates found = 0
2007-02-13 11:14:13 1760 750 COMAPI - WARNING: Exit code = 0x00000000,
Result code = 0x8024502D
2007-02-13 11:14:13 1760 750 COMAPI ---------
2007-02-13 11:14:13 1760 750 COMAPI -- END -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 11:14:13 1760 750 COMAPI -------------
2007-02-13 11:14:13 1760 5ac COMAPI WARNING: Operation failed due to
earlier error, hr=8024502D
2007-02-13 11:14:13 1760 5ac COMAPI FATAL: Unable to complete
asynchronous search. (hr=8024502D)
2007-02-13 11:14:18 1044 1fc Report REPORT EVENT:
{E16899C9-103E-4A4A-8F28-10017B71297B} 2007-02-13 11:14:13-0800 1
148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 8024502d
WindowsUpdate Failure Software Synchronization Error: Agent failed
detecting with reason: 0x8024502d
2007-02-13 11:20:10 1760 5ac COMAPI -------------
2007-02-13 11:20:10 1760 5ac COMAPI -- START -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 11:20:10 1760 5ac COMAPI ---------
2007-02-13 11:20:10 1760 5ac COMAPI - Online = Yes; Ignore download
priority = No
2007-02-13 11:20:10 1760 5ac COMAPI - Criteria = "IsInstalled=0 and
2007-02-13 11:20:10 1760 5ac COMAPI - ServiceID =
2007-02-13 11:20:10 1760 5ac COMAPI <<-- SUBMITTED -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 11:20:10 1044 1fc Agent *************
2007-02-13 11:20:10 1044 1fc Agent ** START ** Agent: Finding updates
[CallerId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 11:20:10 1044 1fc Agent *********
2007-02-13 11:20:19 1044 1fc PT +++++++++++ PT: Synchronizing server
updates +++++++++++
2007-02-13 11:20:19 1044 1fc PT + ServiceId =
{9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77}, Server URL =
2007-02-13 11:20:28 1044 1fc Agent WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installed
rule, updateId = {03FF1EBE-C1CF-4DBA-ACDA-5C3BFBD9133D}.100, error =
2007-02-13 11:20:34 1044 1fc Misc WARNING: Send failed with hr = 80072efd.
2007-02-13 11:20:34 1044 1fc Misc WARNING: SendRequest failed with hr =
80072efd. Proxy List used: <(null)> Bypass List used : <(null)> Auth
Schemes used : <>
2007-02-13 11:20:34 1044 1fc PT + Last proxy send request failed with
hr = 0x80072EFD, HTTP status code = 0
2007-02-13 11:20:34 1044 1fc PT + Caller provided credentials = No
2007-02-13 11:20:34 1044 1fc PT + Impersonate flags = 0
2007-02-13 11:20:34 1044 1fc PT + Possible authorization schemes used =
2007-02-13 11:20:34 1044 1fc PT WARNING: SyncUpdates failure, error =
0x80072EFD, soap client error = 5, soap error code = 0, HTTP status code
= 200
2007-02-13 11:20:35 1044 1fc PT WARNING: Sync of Updates: 0x8024502d
2007-02-13 11:20:35 1044 1fc Agent * WARNING: Failed to synchronize,
error = 0x8024502D
2007-02-13 11:20:35 1044 1fc Agent * WARNING: Exit code = 0x8024502D
2007-02-13 11:20:35 1044 1fc Agent *********
2007-02-13 11:20:35 1044 1fc Agent ** END ** Agent: Finding updates
[CallerId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 11:20:35 1044 1fc Agent *************
2007-02-13 11:20:35 1044 1fc Agent WARNING: WU client failed Searching
for update with error 0x8024502d
2007-02-13 11:20:35 1760 750 COMAPI >>-- RESUMED -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 11:20:35 1760 750 COMAPI - Updates found = 0
2007-02-13 11:20:35 1760 750 COMAPI - WARNING: Exit code = 0x00000000,
Result code = 0x8024502D
2007-02-13 11:20:35 1760 750 COMAPI ---------
2007-02-13 11:20:35 1760 750 COMAPI -- END -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 11:20:35 1760 750 COMAPI -------------
2007-02-13 11:20:35 1760 5ac COMAPI WARNING: Operation failed due to
earlier error, hr=8024502D
2007-02-13 11:20:35 1760 5ac COMAPI FATAL: Unable to complete
asynchronous search. (hr=8024502D)
2007-02-13 11:20:40 1044 1fc Report REPORT EVENT:
{B9A1E5ED-77ED-4C9E-B963-2F63F548DC61} 2007-02-13 11:20:35-0800 1
148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 8024502d
WindowsUpdate Failure Software Synchronization Error: Agent failed
detecting with reason: 0x8024502d
2007-02-13 11:41:15 1760 5ac COMAPI -------------
2007-02-13 11:41:15 1760 5ac COMAPI -- START -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 11:41:15 1760 5ac COMAPI ---------
2007-02-13 11:41:15 1760 5ac COMAPI - Online = Yes; Ignore download
priority = No
2007-02-13 11:41:15 1760 5ac COMAPI - Criteria = "IsInstalled=0 and
2007-02-13 11:41:15 1760 5ac COMAPI - ServiceID =
2007-02-13 11:41:15 1760 5ac COMAPI <<-- SUBMITTED -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 11:41:15 1044 1fc Agent *************
2007-02-13 11:41:15 1044 1fc Agent ** START ** Agent: Finding updates
[CallerId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 11:41:15 1044 1fc Agent *********
2007-02-13 11:41:23 1044 1fc PT +++++++++++ PT: Synchronizing server
updates +++++++++++
2007-02-13 11:41:23 1044 1fc PT + ServiceId =
{9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77}, Server URL =
2007-02-13 11:41:23 1044 1fc Misc WARNING: Send failed with hr = 80072efd.
2007-02-13 11:41:23 1044 1fc Misc WARNING: SendRequest failed with hr =
80072efd. Proxy List used: <(null)> Bypass List used : <(null)> Auth
Schemes used : <>
2007-02-13 11:41:23 1044 1fc PT + Last proxy send request failed with
hr = 0x80072EFD, HTTP status code = 0
2007-02-13 11:41:23 1044 1fc PT + Caller provided credentials = No
2007-02-13 11:41:23 1044 1fc PT + Impersonate flags = 0
2007-02-13 11:41:23 1044 1fc PT + Possible authorization schemes used =
2007-02-13 11:41:23 1044 1fc PT WARNING: GetCookie failure, error =
0x80072EFD, soap client error = 5, soap error code = 0, HTTP status code
= 200
2007-02-13 11:41:23 1044 1fc PT WARNING: Sync of Updates: 0x80072efd
2007-02-13 11:41:23 1044 1fc Agent * WARNING: Failed to synchronize,
error = 0x80072EFD
2007-02-13 11:41:23 1044 1fc Agent * WARNING: Exit code = 0x80072EFD
2007-02-13 11:41:23 1044 1fc Agent *********
2007-02-13 11:41:23 1044 1fc Agent ** END ** Agent: Finding updates
[CallerId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 11:41:23 1044 1fc Agent *************
2007-02-13 11:41:23 1044 1fc Agent WARNING: WU client failed Searching
for update with error 0x80072efd
2007-02-13 11:41:23 1760 5a8 COMAPI >>-- RESUMED -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 11:41:23 1760 5a8 COMAPI - Updates found = 0
2007-02-13 11:41:23 1760 5a8 COMAPI - WARNING: Exit code = 0x00000000,
Result code = 0x80072EFD
2007-02-13 11:41:23 1760 5a8 COMAPI ---------
2007-02-13 11:41:23 1760 5a8 COMAPI -- END -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 11:41:23 1760 5a8 COMAPI -------------
2007-02-13 11:41:23 1760 5ac COMAPI WARNING: Operation failed due to
earlier error, hr=80072EFD
2007-02-13 11:41:23 1760 5ac COMAPI FATAL: Unable to complete
asynchronous search. (hr=80072EFD)
2007-02-13 11:41:28 1044 1fc Report REPORT EVENT:
{33B88128-B410-4BB6-A437-7C42446E9F4C} 2007-02-13 11:41:23-0800 1
148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 80072efd
WindowsUpdate Failure Software Synchronization Error: Agent failed
detecting with reason: 0x80072efd
2007-02-13 11:45:20 1044 418 Agent Sending shutdown notification to client
2007-02-13 11:45:25 1044 418 Service *********
2007-02-13 11:45:25 1044 418 Service ** END ** Service: Service exit
[Exit code = 0x240001]
2007-02-13 11:45:25 1044 418 Service *************
2007-02-13 11:45:33 1040 414 Misc =========== Logging initialized
(build:, tz: -0800) ===========
2007-02-13 11:45:33 1040 414 Misc = Process: C:\WINNT\system32\svchost.exe
2007-02-13 11:45:33 1040 414 Misc = Module: C:\WINNT\system32\wuaueng.dll
2007-02-13 11:45:33 1040 414 Service *************
2007-02-13 11:45:33 1040 414 Service ** START ** Service: Service startup
2007-02-13 11:45:33 1040 414 Service *********
2007-02-13 11:45:34 1040 414 Agent * WU client version
2007-02-13 11:45:34 1040 414 Agent * SusClientId =
2007-02-13 11:45:34 1040 414 Agent * Base directory:
2007-02-13 11:45:34 1040 414 Agent * Access type: No proxy
2007-02-13 11:45:34 1040 414 Agent * Network state: Connected
2007-02-13 11:46:21 1040 414 Agent *********** Agent: Initializing
Windows Update Agent ***********
2007-02-13 11:46:21 1040 414 Agent *********** Agent: Initializing
global settings cache ***********
2007-02-13 11:46:21 1040 414 Agent * WSUS server: <NULL>
2007-02-13 11:46:21 1040 414 Agent * WSUS status server: <NULL>
2007-02-13 11:46:21 1040 414 Agent * Target group: (Unassigned Computers)
2007-02-13 11:46:21 1040 414 Agent * Windows Update access disabled: No
2007-02-13 11:46:21 1040 414 DnldMgr Download manager restoring 0 downloads
2007-02-13 11:46:21 1040 414 AU ########### AU: Initializing Automatic
Updates ###########
2007-02-13 11:46:21 1040 414 AU # AU disabled through User preference
2007-02-13 11:46:21 1040 414 AU # AU is disabled, not initializing any
2007-02-13 11:55:17 1476 27c Misc =========== Logging initialized
(build:, tz: -0800) ===========
2007-02-13 11:55:17 1476 27c Misc = Process: C:\Program Files\Internet
2007-02-13 11:55:17 1476 27c Misc = Module: C:\WINNT\system32\wuweb.dll
2007-02-13 11:55:17 1476 27c Setup *********** Setup: Checking whether
self-update is required ***********
2007-02-13 11:55:17 1476 27c Setup * Inf file:
2007-02-13 11:55:17 1476 27c Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINNT\system32\cdm.dll: target version =, required version
2007-02-13 11:55:17 1476 27c Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINNT\system32\iuengine.dll: target version =, required
version =
2007-02-13 11:55:17 1476 27c Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINNT\system32\wuapi.dll: target version =, required
version =
2007-02-13 11:55:17 1476 27c Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINNT\system32\wuauclt.exe: target version =, required
version =
2007-02-13 11:55:17 1476 27c Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINNT\system32\wuauclt1.exe: target version =, required
version =
2007-02-13 11:55:17 1476 27c Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINNT\system32\wuaucpl.cpl: target version =, required
version =
2007-02-13 11:55:17 1476 27c Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINNT\system32\wuaueng.dll: target version =, required
version =
2007-02-13 11:55:17 1476 27c Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINNT\system32\wuaueng1.dll: target version =, required
version =
2007-02-13 11:55:17 1476 27c Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINNT\system32\wucltui.dll: target version =, required
version =
2007-02-13 11:55:17 1476 27c Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINNT\system32\wups.dll: target version =, required
version =
2007-02-13 11:55:17 1476 27c Setup Update NOT required for
C:\WINNT\system32\wups2.dll: target version =, required
version =
2007-02-13 11:55:17 1476 27c Setup * IsUpdateRequired = No
2007-02-13 11:55:24 1476 27c Misc =========== Logging initialized
(build:, tz: -0800) ===========
2007-02-13 11:55:24 1476 27c Misc = Process: C:\Program Files\Internet
2007-02-13 11:55:24 1476 27c Misc = Module: C:\WINNT\system32\wuapi.dll
2007-02-13 11:55:24 1476 27c COMAPI -------------
2007-02-13 11:55:24 1476 27c COMAPI -- START -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 11:55:24 1476 27c COMAPI ---------
2007-02-13 11:55:24 1476 27c COMAPI - Online = Yes; Ignore download
priority = No
2007-02-13 11:55:24 1476 27c COMAPI - Criteria = "IsInstalled=0 and
2007-02-13 11:55:24 1476 27c COMAPI - ServiceID =
2007-02-13 11:55:24 1476 27c COMAPI <<-- SUBMITTED -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 11:55:24 1040 5d8 Agent *************
2007-02-13 11:55:24 1040 5d8 Agent ** START ** Agent: Finding updates
[CallerId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 11:55:24 1040 5d8 Agent *********
2007-02-13 11:55:27 1040 5d8 PT +++++++++++ PT: Synchronizing server
updates +++++++++++
2007-02-13 11:55:27 1040 5d8 PT + ServiceId =
{9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77}, Server URL =
2007-02-13 11:55:32 1040 5d8 Misc WARNING: Send failed with hr = 80072efd.
2007-02-13 11:55:32 1040 5d8 Misc WARNING: SendRequest failed with hr =
80072efd. Proxy List used: <(null)> Bypass List used : <(null)> Auth
Schemes used : <>
2007-02-13 11:55:32 1040 5d8 PT + Last proxy send request failed with
hr = 0x80072EFD, HTTP status code = 0
2007-02-13 11:55:32 1040 5d8 PT + Caller provided credentials = No
2007-02-13 11:55:32 1040 5d8 PT + Impersonate flags = 0
2007-02-13 11:55:32 1040 5d8 PT + Possible authorization schemes used =
2007-02-13 11:55:32 1040 5d8 PT WARNING: GetCookie failure, error =
0x80072EFD, soap client error = 5, soap error code = 0, HTTP status code
= 200
2007-02-13 11:55:32 1040 5d8 PT WARNING: Sync of Updates: 0x80072efd
2007-02-13 11:55:32 1040 5d8 Agent * WARNING: Failed to synchronize,
error = 0x80072EFD
2007-02-13 11:55:32 1040 5d8 Report *********** Report: Initializing
static reporting data ***********
2007-02-13 11:55:32 1040 5d8 Report * OS Version = 5.0.2195.4.0.65536
2007-02-13 11:55:33 1040 5d8 Report * Computer Brand = GBT___
2007-02-13 11:55:33 1040 5d8 Report * Computer Model = AWRDACPI
2007-02-13 11:55:33 1040 5d8 Report * Bios Revision = 6.00 PG
2007-02-13 11:55:33 1040 5d8 Report * Bios Name = Default System BIOS
2007-02-13 11:55:33 1040 5d8 Report * Bios Release Date =
2007-02-13 11:55:33 1040 5d8 Report * Locale ID = 1033
2007-02-13 11:55:34 1040 5d8 Agent * WARNING: Exit code = 0x80072EFD
2007-02-13 11:55:34 1040 5d8 Agent *********
2007-02-13 11:55:34 1040 5d8 Agent ** END ** Agent: Finding updates
[CallerId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 11:55:34 1040 5d8 Agent *************
2007-02-13 11:55:34 1040 5d8 Agent WARNING: WU client failed Searching
for update with error 0x80072efd
2007-02-13 11:55:34 1476 748 COMAPI >>-- RESUMED -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 11:55:34 1476 748 COMAPI - Updates found = 0
2007-02-13 11:55:34 1476 748 COMAPI - WARNING: Exit code = 0x00000000,
Result code = 0x80072EFD
2007-02-13 11:55:34 1476 748 COMAPI ---------
2007-02-13 11:55:34 1476 748 COMAPI -- END -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = WindowsUpdate]
2007-02-13 11:55:34 1476 748 COMAPI -------------
2007-02-13 11:55:34 1476 27c COMAPI WARNING: Operation failed due to
earlier error, hr=80072EFD
2007-02-13 11:55:34 1476 27c COMAPI FATAL: Unable to complete
asynchronous search. (hr=80072EFD)
2007-02-13 11:55:38 1040 5d8 Report REPORT EVENT:
{4F6AE2D8-32BA-4142-BD0E-C25865E7A24D} 2007-02-13 11:55:32-0800 1
148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 80072efd
WindowsUpdate Failure Software Synchronization Error: Agent failed
detecting with reason: 0x80072efd
The problem started today so I don't know if it is my side or MS' side.
I wasn't able to reproduce this on my older machine (Micron P2 450 Mhz
with Windows 2000 SP4). Is there a fix or something for this issue?
Thank you in advance.
Phillip Pi
Senior Software Quality Assurance Analyst
ISP/Symantec Online Services, Consumer Business Unit
Symantec Corporation