Windows Update has failed for past several weeks!!!



For the past several weeks Windows Update has been
failing on my machine.

When I run Windows update, the first screen comes up
without problems.
The system scan and updates available works without
I can select an item for update, but no matter which one
I choose I get an error message almost immediately:

No Updates Were Installed

The following items failed to install. To try installing
them again, click Review and install updates, and then
click Install Now again.

Update for Windows XP Shop for Music Online Link


just a idea, but i would download the blaster removal tool and give that a
i had a network virus on a pc i was fixing up, kept trying to update
antivirus, and it
the norton kept closing each time i tried, so i downloaded the updates
manually, i went to downloaded and installed them, then did a virus scan, and found
the virus
that was affecting my ability to update antivirus, then it deleted the
infected files, then i
got the fix tool from symanted for that virus, i cant remember which one

anyway, give that a try, blaster still a bad boy virus
might be the answer
i guess i should have said first, do a virus scan

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