I'm installing 2 OS WinXP on my PC, one is English version and one is
Japanese version on the same directory (no partition, i.e. the folder for
English OS is C:\Windows and the folder for Japanese OS is C:\WindowsJP). I
used the English OS long time ago and I just recently install the Japanese
OS. However, when I try to get the updates from Windows Update website in my
Japanese OS, it shows all the updates that I already installed in my English
OS. Does that mean both of the OS share the same Windows Update?
Japanese version on the same directory (no partition, i.e. the folder for
English OS is C:\Windows and the folder for Japanese OS is C:\WindowsJP). I
used the English OS long time ago and I just recently install the Japanese
OS. However, when I try to get the updates from Windows Update website in my
Japanese OS, it shows all the updates that I already installed in my English
OS. Does that mean both of the OS share the same Windows Update?