On 8/30/03 when attempting to do a Windows Update I
received a window asking "Do you want to install and
run "Windows Update" signed on 8/25/2003 8:19PM and
distributed by Microsoft Corporation.? Also,"Product
Authenticity verified by Microsoft Code Signing PCA."
And, "Caution: Microsoft Corporation asserts that this
content is safe. You should only install/view this
content if you trust Microsoft Corporation to make that
assertion." The "Windows Update" and "Microsoft
Corporation" were underlined, indicating this is a valid
certificate. However, I did not do anything on 8/25/2003
to prompt a need for this Windows Update; and, I could
not find any references to this Windows Update of 8/25/03
in when I searched the Windows Update history. Is this a
valid certificate and safe for me to download and install?
received a window asking "Do you want to install and
run "Windows Update" signed on 8/25/2003 8:19PM and
distributed by Microsoft Corporation.? Also,"Product
Authenticity verified by Microsoft Code Signing PCA."
And, "Caution: Microsoft Corporation asserts that this
content is safe. You should only install/view this
content if you trust Microsoft Corporation to make that
assertion." The "Windows Update" and "Microsoft
Corporation" were underlined, indicating this is a valid
certificate. However, I did not do anything on 8/25/2003
to prompt a need for this Windows Update; and, I could
not find any references to this Windows Update of 8/25/03
in when I searched the Windows Update history. Is this a
valid certificate and safe for me to download and install?