Windows Update caused File System problem

  • Thread starter Thread starter Lars
  • Start date Start date


Just now (two hours ago) the Microsoft Update signaled that
it had downloaded a new update and asked to install it,
which we (unfortunately) did.
After that the NTFS filesystem has continously reported
errors in files or catalogs, requiring CHKDSK to be run at
startup. This is however to no avail, it just shifts the
error reports to new file objects (actually, I do not think
the same file has been reported twice ever).
Running CHKDSK over and over again does not help, returning
to last successful startup does not help, I do not know
what would help. What should I do?
Present version is now build 2195 (SP4). The computer is
quite new, and has worked flawlessly for a few months up to
After reading up here and elsewhere I decided to check my
patch install logs, and uninstall windows patches
accordingly. And this cured the problem!
From now on the automatic update is "off"!
I'll rely on multiple firewalls and common sense instead!
