Windows Update button

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Whenever I hit the windows update button an info box pops up which says,"this
is being run in compatability mode and not all features are enabled". Can
anyone tell me why this box is comming up?
Hi Jerry,

If this is your work computer then this message has been put there by your
system administrators to stop you from downloading the windows updates. They
would have their own update scripts to ensure that all puters on your
network are updated correctly together.

If this is your home puter then you will have a customized (branded) version
of IE either supplied with your puter or your ISP. You should be able to
display the About box (Help>About menu in IE) to display the provider. You
should contact them to discuss having the Windows Update enabled.

Normally also there is a Windows Update option on the Start menu. But this
can be disabled or hidden with branding customizations.
Hi Rob,

Thanks for the post. This is a home computer and I bought the current op
system at Circuit city and they installed it. I looked up the info on help as
suggestedl info as follows: Version: 6.0.2900.xpxp_sp2_gdr.050301-1519
Cipher strength: 128 bit
Product id: 76488-020-3549106-22245
Update version:;sp2
I have also checked setting and defaults access, and internet security. I
haven't located a controllable setting which allows me to affect the buttpn.
Can you suggest another course of action?
Hi Jerry,

I have a feeling that Circuit City has applied their own Update URL (either
a ftp or terminal protocol) that is causing the error message to be
displayed.(Now I am not so sure... see below)

The address for windows updates is . You
can for the time being just create a shortcut to this and place it on your
desktop. Once you do an update you should be prompted to set your update
settings. There is an option to check for windows updates automatically so
one you choose that option you won't have to worry about it again.

Here is a link with info

Oh. Here is something


This looks very relavant!!!!!!!! If you have recently applied a so called
Security Patch from an email you received, then this will be the cause.

Here is a quote from the article

Once downloaded and run, the Trojan makes changes to the registry and opens
a backdoor that allows the PC to be controlled via IRC

The recommended fix is

The Internet Storm Centre has issued an advisory and is urging all users to
update their virus scanners immediately.

McAfee, Kaspersky, Computer Associates and Symantec have all issued
signature files for the worm, which is hosted from a Norwegian website.

Jerry B. said:
Whenever I hit the windows update button

Be more specific. What "button"?

an info box pops up which says,"this
is being run in compatability mode and not all features are enabled".

Details? Do you see an IE window too? If so, what is the URL?

Can anyone tell me why this box is comming up?

Perhaps it indicates something strange with your User-Agent?

<title>KB197311 - How to install and use Compatibility mode in Internet Explorer 5 or 5.5</title>

To see what your User-Agent appears as to remote sites
use the following test site:


Robert Aldwinckle
Hello Robert,

Thanks for the post. Here are answers to your questions:
The "button" is a link that is available from my start button on the lower
left of my screen.
There is no IE window showing when the box displays. However if I hot start
again and select the internet explorer, two windows appear. First is the
homepage that I have set. Then there is a second window that goes to the
microsoft update page.
I used your tool to look at my user-agent. It says that User-Agent=Mozilla.
It further states that this is compatable with MSIE 6.0.

Does this help make the picture clearer?

Thanks for any further help that you send
Jerry B
[Thanks for asking that question, Robert! <w> I'd been wondering the same

Jerry, is this sudden, new behavior or an ongoing problem? In other words,
did Start > Windows Update (button) ever work?

Can you access Windows Update via Internet Explorer (IE): Tools > Windows

Have you installed a third-party browser (e.g., Firefox)? Is IE the default
at Start > Settings > Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs > Set Program
Access and Defaults > Browser?

How long have you owned this machine? Is it still under warranty or Service