Windows Update and AutoComplete don't work



I may have unrelated problems but I'll present them together incase they are
related in some way.

I'm running IE6 SP1 on W2k SP4.

Windows Update:
The Automatic Updates service is running but doesn't appear to be doing
anything based on network activity. When I try to run it manually though IE
it hangs and "Searching for Updates for your computer". Eventually it tells
me that it has encounterd an error. I can try restarting IE, clearing the
cache, and refreshing the page.

It just doesn't work. I am prompted to save passwords but they never get
saved. I have it set to save passwords, forms, and web addresses but none

I have one final problem that is probably unrelated but I'll toss it in here
too just in case it is. I can't install the correct printer driver for what
I have. It worked previously but then began printing really slow. I
replaced the driver but the problem persisted. I tried replacing the driver
several times and it now tells me there is not enough disk space to complete
the installation. I experimented with various other drivers to get it
working the best I can. It is a HP895cxi. I got a 970 driver to work pretty
well. I tried preinstalled drivers as well as newly downloaded ones from HP.
HP was not able to offer any help. I can deal with this problem. I just
thought it -may- shed some light on the other problems.

Thanks for any help.


I should also add that Automatic Updates is doing something...I just don't
know what. svchost has the processor tied up as much as it will be least as long as Auto Updates is running. As soon as I stop the
service the processor returns to being idle. ProcessExplorer makes it appear
that it starts and quickly stops every few seconds. I would guess that it
tries to connect, can't, stops, and tries again a few seconds later. Just my
guess though.


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