Windows update 811493


Matt Klein

Every day for the last couple of weeks, I continue to get
an update message (the little world icon) for Windows
Update 811493. I go through the download and
installation, which has not required a reboot. The next
day, the icon is back wanting to do the same update. It
never goes away! I checked and this update isn't even for
my Windows 2000. It is for XP.

Since getting tech support for problems is such a hassle,
even if the problem apparently is not mine, I am hoping
someone here can help or that a Microsoft tech monitors
this group. TIA

Bill Peele [MS]

From: "Matt Klein" <[email protected]>
Subject: Windows update 811493
Date: Sat, 28 Feb 2004 09:03:31 -0800
Newsgroups: microsoft.public.win2000.windows_update

Every day for the last couple of weeks, I continue to get
an update message (the little world icon) for Windows
Update 811493. I go through the download and
installation, which has not required a reboot. The next
day, the icon is back wanting to do the same update. It
never goes away! I checked and this update isn't even for
my Windows 2000. It is for XP.

Since getting tech support for problems is such a hassle,
even if the problem apparently is not mine, I am hoping
someone here can help or that a Microsoft tech monitors
this group. TIA

Actually this update does apply to Windows 2000 as well as Windows NT. The re-offering of the update is a known
problem and a new package is scheduled to put on the servers on 3/9/2004. The only change to the new package is to the
detection code, none of the Windows files that are updated by this update have changed.

Bill Peele
Microsoft Enterprise Support

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