Windows Trash 2005 - Part-2

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==Windows Trash 2005==

When windows xp is installed afresh its install size is more than 1.5 gigs
and it is; It only contains operating system files and simple utilities to
connect to net or make a home network or facilities 4 networking and
notepad, wordpad and windows media player with all its media stifling drms,
internet explorer and outlook express with all their glory of bugs that
every now are exploited by this worm or that virus and we scram towards
service packs or bug fix sites to get our system on safe side. Besides the
main OS comes with a lot bugs built in to keep us bizy installing hot fixes
and service packs, I ask why Bill makes us pay that much money for an OS
which is very strictly controlled and laden with bugs which Bill corp with
all its army of programmers and strength do not seem to fix????!!!!!

windows xp provides :

os files -> more than 1.5 gigs

media player
ie and outlook express
facilities 4 different kinds of networking
support 4 socalled many kinds of devices
bugs read serious bugs that can and have cost windows system owners(read us
all) millions!!!!
this comes with a price which is not worth it.

DISCLAIMER : I dont us Linux at all, I have been very old user of Bill's
OSes, all the way from good old dos,win3.1,win95,win98,win2000,winxp, now
win longhorn but this is my analysis of Bill's solutions in comparison to
those from Linux or Open source World from a home users point of view.

In comparison Linux OS provides( Redhat linux, Mandrake linux) ...

install size almost 1.5 gigs to 2 gigs...

u read we get...

A Free in price and free to modify-if u got that guts-fully functional
robust, very fast, crash free, very appealing in gui provisions, space

Linux installation took almot 35 minutes on my intel 1.7ghz, 256megs, 40gb
system, but in contrast windows xp took one and half hours in installation
which is amazing as compared to win xp, u sacrifice more than 1.5 gigs of
space just to get a poor os with simple bells and whitles-remember
Whistiler - and more than 1 and half hours of time installing.Linux->its
installation is image based ( Bill has got its Windows Vista to be image
based now but Linux users are enjoying its benefits since long, tooo sad for
us poor Billy's software users) wat linux install program does it first
looks for hardware installed in ur system then installs necessary files for
ur hardware then install sys(this process is blazingly fast); disk partition
is a breeze with disk druid tool then it asks 4 ur choice of
packages(programs) to be installed, choice of packages is just bafling at
first sight, it includes system utils, multimedia programs, internet
programs, programming tools for c,c++,assembly development, games,
networking software, different guis to be chosen, and many more things, and
after u chose install system just starts to copy images of ur chosen
packages and after finishing it just let u make some choices and then
restarts to get u into fully working system. On the whole in 2 gis i can
have office applications comparable to office suite of apps, networking
facilities that are more secure than windows xp's, Internet apps such as
browers, email, chat, irc,ftp programs, multimedia programs audio,video,
creation, built in support for ogg vorbis audio format and also mp3,
firewall that is secure as compared with windows xp firewall, loads of
games, a lot usefull widgets or small programs that make our computing life
easier than ever, support for multiple user with strong encryption and very
strict file accerss permission, and this will surprise u in Linux u dont
need to do house keeping jobs on ur pc such as defrag or scandisk or
diskcheck but all these things automatically by OS thanx to file system that
Linux uses, u will never need to do all these things again. Linux is very
customizable, its guis gnome or kde are very stable and support a lot of
customizations, and whole lot more facilities that we cant even think in
windows xp for free except by buynig proprietory software from third
parties. Linux bugs are few and far between but are fixed in hours, or at
most in days, by World over community of programmers who r proud to be in
Open Source community of developers.

-Wat do u want to want more than this?-

this is my second digest of ==WindowsTrash 2005==

wat do think bout this all,

Linux installation took almot 35 minutes on my intel 1.7ghz, 256megs, 40gb
system, but in contrast windows xp took one and half hours in installation
which is amazing as compared to win xp, u sacrifice more than 1.5 gigs of
space just to get a poor os with simple bells and whitles-remember

BS, my Fedora Core 3 machine loads tool over 1.5 hours to install and
another 4 hours to update to current packs and two reboots. Oh, and with
all the installed OS/apps it was well over 1.5gb - heck, it comes on 4
ISO image CD's that are more than 500MB each (compressed).
mujeebrm said:
==Windows Trash 2005==

snip trash<

wat do think bout this all,

First of all this is a group is to help people. The above is the only
question you ask. My response is take your trash somewhere else we don't
need it here.

hi gls858,

do u think, comparative info which i have provided is trash, then plz
provide some answers to the things which i have described in my post. i dont
want,dont need anything else...


Comparative info may not be trash.
But incomplete or misleading information such you have in this and the other
post can be dangerous since you seem unaware of the consequences of what you
Do more research to better inform yourself before you again pass on
incomplete and possibly dangerous information.
mujeebrm said:
hi gls858,

do u think, comparative info which i have provided is trash, then plz
provide some answers to the things which i have described in my post. i dont
want,dont need anything else...


I was simply alluding to your subject line.

I started to read your post but gave it up. It is just too hard to read. How
about more frequent paragraph breaks and some sentence structure, along with
proper punctuation?

You also seem to be posting information that is contradictory to much of
what I have observed in regards to installing both Windows XP (countless
installs on several hundreds of computers) and Linux (about 20 installs on
20, or so, different computers). Your information just doesn't make sense.


Richard Urban
Microsoft MVP Windows Shell/User

Quote from: George Ankner
"If you knew as much as you thought you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!"