Windows time is 4 hours off, PDCe



HELP, heard that before right!

I set up the PDC E to connect to the internet and pull time from the navy,
set the flag in the registry to anounce itself as the time server for the
domain, the server is set to pacific time, when the time syncs up its 4hrs
ahead!! what a mess and man could I use some help here.

Pegasus \(MVP\)

Brucelee said:
HELP, heard that before right!

I set up the PDC E to connect to the internet and pull time from the navy,
set the flag in the registry to anounce itself as the time server for the
domain, the server is set to pacific time, when the time syncs up its 4hrs
ahead!! what a mess and man could I use some help here.

You have a discrepancy between your time zone (as set on your
PC) and the time zone you live in.


Thank you so much for answering. I can see that the PDCe is set to pacific,
without an external time source it maintains its time zone time, this is
making me look really bad. I have followed MS white papers on making a PDC a
time server for the domain many times without incident. Can you give me some
clues where to look Please,

Pegasus \(MVP\)

The external time source is irrelevant. What matters is that each
of your machines is in the same time zone, which must be your
geographic time zone. I do not know if it is possible to have
machines spread over several times zones, yet synchronise
their time. The newsgroup windows.server.general might be
a better place to discuss this topic.

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