Windows Support Tools Script Error



Running XP Pro/SP2. Installed Windows Support Tools from CD, everything
appeared to install properly. When I launch "Support Tools Help", the
following scripting error window appears:

"An error has occurred in the script on this page.

Line: 34
Char: 2
Error: Object expected
Code: 0
URL: ms-its:C:\WINDOWS\Help\suptools.chm::/suptools_overview.htm

Do you want to continue running scripts on this page? Yes/No"

At the top of the page, a "Windows Tools" missing graphic box displays with
a red "X". Also, the alphabetical letter index does appear at the top of the
page, but each letter is underlined versus appearing in its own separate box.
I tried to e-mail MS directly but they bounced my message.

Does anyone have any ideas? BTW, I installed the same tools on my laptop
(from its own XP Pro/SP2 CD), and everything works fine on that computer!

TIA for your help.

Wesley Vogel

Try this...
Start | Run | Paste this in the box:


Click OK.

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User




Your trick worked! (Thanks!). I am still puzzled about why using the
Start>All Programs>Windows Support Tools>Support Tools Help doesn't work.

Just to troubleshoot, I deleted the similar installation on my laptop, and
installed the support tools from the Windows CD that came with my desktop on
it, thinking that I might have gotten a CD with a bad file or something.
However, the install went fine and the program worked just fine on my laptop.

Next, thinking I might have something dorked up Office Pro 2003 that somehow
was affecting the process, I performed a "detect and repair" off that install
CD. Then I re-installed Windows Support Tools from the OEM Win XP Pro CD (I
had previously un-installed it), ran it, and the same problem occurred. When
I clicked the browser "back" button, another window popped up asking me if I
wanted to debug the which I answered "No."

I certainly don't mind launching the app from the command line...I just wish
I knew what was screwed up when I try to launch from the default installation!

Wesley Vogel


I don't know why, so I posted what I did. :)

The only thing Office has to do with it, is that Office includes a Script

Something else you can do...
Right click the Desktop | New | Shortcut |
Paste this in for the location:


Click Next | Paste this in for the name:

Support Tools Help 2 (or what ever)

Click Finish | Navigate to >>
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Windows Support
Tools or where ever the Windows Support Tools folder is and drag the new
shortcut into the folder.

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User




I already created the shortcut, naming it the same but with (good) after the
name. The original one I appended with (bad). I looked at the shortcut
properties and it points to "st.xml" at the end of the I think that
is where the problem lies. I'll keep fooling around to see if I can stumble
on someting. The difference between the two is that the "st.xml" opens up as
a portion of the Windows Help and Support Center window, whereas
"suptools.chm" opens as a stand alone window. Regardless, I greatly
appreciate your help!



I'd already done as you suggested with the shortcut! The "bad" shortcut
ends with "st.xml" on the command line, so I suspect that is where the
problem exists. It is supposed to open as part of the Windows "Help and
Support" window. "suptools.chm" opens in its own window.

Regardless, thanks for your help. Somehow, I may stumble upon the answer...

Wesley Vogel

Compare the st.xml file, laptop/desktop, you can open it in IE.

Or just use the new shortcut and keep on trucking. :)

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User



Will do, will advise.

Wesley Vogel said:
Compare the st.xml file, laptop/desktop, you can open it in IE.

Or just use the new shortcut and keep on trucking. :)

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User


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