Dr. Dos
What controls the length of time the Windows Start sound plays?
I am attempting to use .wav files that run about 1 min 30
secs. That is about the time it takes after log-in to when
Windows XP SP2 is ready for business. Any of these longer
wav files run for a variety of times, never the same,
usually stopping between 20 secs and 1 min+. I have booted
"vanilla" with almost every TSR shut off in msconfig for
startup and services, but cannot isolate what stops the
startup sound prematurely.
Any ideas?
I am attempting to use .wav files that run about 1 min 30
secs. That is about the time it takes after log-in to when
Windows XP SP2 is ready for business. Any of these longer
wav files run for a variety of times, never the same,
usually stopping between 20 secs and 1 min+. I have booted
"vanilla" with almost every TSR shut off in msconfig for
startup and services, but cannot isolate what stops the
startup sound prematurely.
Any ideas?