Windows sound recorder



I'm trying to find a way to record AUDIO for more than
the 60 sec that the windows recorder will let you...does
any one know a way to tweek the recorder?????


Mark said:
I'm trying to find a way to record AUDIO for more than
the 60 sec that the windows recorder will let you...does
any one know a way to tweek the recorder?????

There is a way, but I have lost the link to the tricky way of tweaking Sound
Recorder to do what you ask. The simple solution is to use this freeware


Pankaj Gupta

Yes, by tricking the stupid windows recorder.

First Record a Junk file for 60 seconds, when 60 seconds
get over, press the record button again and it will
continue recording after 60 seconds. Repeat this till you
generate a junk file for the desired length.

Now save that file mytemplate.wav.

Make a copy of that mytemplate.wav and open it with
windows sound recorder. Now you can re-record on it and it
will record for the whatever the length of this
mytemplate.wav is. After you are done recording, you may
want to use the "edit->delete after current position"

Hope this helps.

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