Windows service not starting at boot time

  • Thread starter Thread starter oscar.acostamontesde
  • Start date Start date


I'm currently developing a windows service, and in OnStart i launch a
couple of threads to do some work. When i start it manually everything
goes fine, but at start up the service just timeout. I have added all
the dependencies i thought could be used by the service, included
eventlog, rpc, sqlserver. Is there any way to get the service
dependencies all? Or is there any detailed log of what is going on on
startup? The timeout message in eventlog says nothing about the cause.
Any ideas would be apreciated, thanks
Did to try to run your service from local system account? If no then to to
set the account as local system in "Log On" tab of the service. When you are
runnung your service at startup then there is no user accoutn available at
that moment as to still to login. So whenever you run manually then you are
login with a account.

- angi
did you try to use a file log to know at least where it times out? it helped
me a lot with services since I didn't want to full my event log with a lot
of crap and I can't use Message boxes ;)... so file log is perfect... and
it also helps to debug even on client's computers if needed... so it's a
good mecanic to develop and is not that long...

I hope it helps

Hello and thanks for you reply. I have a log, but as the service does
not get started it's empty. I just see a message in system eventlog
saying that the service has take too much time to respond (30000 ms i
think is the timeout by default)
I'd like to know if i can get some extended log from windows with more
detail about the error. Any ideas?


ThunderMusic ha escrito:
Thanks for you replay Angelina.
Yes, the service account is Local\System. Is there any way to get a
detailed log from the S.O., a dump or something? Someone tell me it's
because service dependencies, but except that the framework it self has
more, I'm only using in my development sql server and eventlog as
services on wich mine depends on.

Best regards,

Angelina ha escrito: