Brad Jones
Hello, I'm hoping someone can give me some help or guidance here. I'm not
sure if this is even the best group to post to for this.
Our OEM equipment's software architecture relies heavily on a "master"
windows service. This responsibility of this service is to launch 10 or so
other applications, some of which have GUI's. These applications need to be
running whether somebody is logged in or not. There is no communication
required between the master service and the individual applications. An
external configuration file is read by the master service when it starts,
telling it which applications to launch and what other behavior is desired.
So, when a newly developed application requires that it be running when
nobody is logged in, information is simply added to the configuration file
and we're done. Currently, all of these applications are C++/MFC and the
trick (hack?) used to keep these applications running when a user logoff
occurs is related to http://support.microsoft.com/kb/q164166/ . This has
been working well for several years.
Now to my question. I recently completed development on a GUI C# application
which I would like to run in the same manner as described above. Everything
starts up fine, but my C# application does not survive the logoff, and in
some cases interferes with it. Is there a way to get past this or should I
start looking for another solution (like rewrite it in C++). Hope this makes
sense to somebody and thanks in advance for any advice.
Brad Jones (Not CoduGuru guy!)
sure if this is even the best group to post to for this.
Our OEM equipment's software architecture relies heavily on a "master"
windows service. This responsibility of this service is to launch 10 or so
other applications, some of which have GUI's. These applications need to be
running whether somebody is logged in or not. There is no communication
required between the master service and the individual applications. An
external configuration file is read by the master service when it starts,
telling it which applications to launch and what other behavior is desired.
So, when a newly developed application requires that it be running when
nobody is logged in, information is simply added to the configuration file
and we're done. Currently, all of these applications are C++/MFC and the
trick (hack?) used to keep these applications running when a user logoff
occurs is related to http://support.microsoft.com/kb/q164166/ . This has
been working well for several years.
Now to my question. I recently completed development on a GUI C# application
which I would like to run in the same manner as described above. Everything
starts up fine, but my C# application does not survive the logoff, and in
some cases interferes with it. Is there a way to get past this or should I
start looking for another solution (like rewrite it in C++). Hope this makes
sense to somebody and thanks in advance for any advice.
Brad Jones (Not CoduGuru guy!)