Tobias Eriksson
I've put together an MSI which installs MySQL, and the intention is that it should also; start it during install and ofcourse stop and delete it during the uninstall.
But the problem is that nothing happens at all, I'm able to install it and when I use Windows own Services Manager I am able to start it with no problems.
The wiered thing is that the MSI log file does not say anything, it is as if the ServiceControl table was empty, but it is NOT!!!
I know that the StartServices action is executed as I can see it in the log, but it does not seem to do anything.
This is what the ServiceÍnstall -table looks like
ServiceInstall = mysqldb
Name = afpdb
Display = afpdb
ServiceType = 16
StartType = 3
ErrorControl = 1
LoadOrderGroup = <empty>
Dependecies = <empty>
StartName = <empty>
Password = <empty>
Arguments = --defaults-file="[TARGETDIR]\CellOpt AFP\[VER]\db\mysql.cnf" afpdb
Component = component2004
Description = Database
This is what the ServiceControl-table looks like:
ServiceControl = mysqldb
Name = afpdb
Event = 171
Wait = 1
Component = component2004
This is what the MSI log file looks like:
Action start 14:28:15: InstallServices.
GenerateScript: Installing new services
Action ended 14:28:15: InstallServices. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (E0:70): Doing action: StartServices
Action start 14:28:15: StartServices.
Action ended 14:28:15: StartServices. Return value 1.
I've seen for example Apache v2 install their service through CustomAction's, and I guess that is one way to go, but I would much more prefer doing it from the MSI.
I really appriciate some help on this one.
I've put together an MSI which installs MySQL, and the intention is that it should also; start it during install and ofcourse stop and delete it during the uninstall.
But the problem is that nothing happens at all, I'm able to install it and when I use Windows own Services Manager I am able to start it with no problems.
The wiered thing is that the MSI log file does not say anything, it is as if the ServiceControl table was empty, but it is NOT!!!
I know that the StartServices action is executed as I can see it in the log, but it does not seem to do anything.
This is what the ServiceÍnstall -table looks like
ServiceInstall = mysqldb
Name = afpdb
Display = afpdb
ServiceType = 16
StartType = 3
ErrorControl = 1
LoadOrderGroup = <empty>
Dependecies = <empty>
StartName = <empty>
Password = <empty>
Arguments = --defaults-file="[TARGETDIR]\CellOpt AFP\[VER]\db\mysql.cnf" afpdb
Component = component2004
Description = Database
This is what the ServiceControl-table looks like:
ServiceControl = mysqldb
Name = afpdb
Event = 171
Wait = 1
Component = component2004
This is what the MSI log file looks like:
Action start 14:28:15: InstallServices.
GenerateScript: Installing new services
Action ended 14:28:15: InstallServices. Return value 1.
MSI (s) (E0:70): Doing action: StartServices
Action start 14:28:15: StartServices.
Action ended 14:28:15: StartServices. Return value 1.
I've seen for example Apache v2 install their service through CustomAction's, and I guess that is one way to go, but I would much more prefer doing it from the MSI.
I really appriciate some help on this one.