11/7/2008 11:00 PM
Date: 11/7/2008
Time: 11:00 PM
Backup Runner started.
Launching NTBackup: ntbackup.exe backup "@D:\Program Files\Microsoft Windows
Small Business Server\Backup\Small Business Backup Script.bks" /d "SBS Backup
created on 11/7/2008 at 11:00 PM" /v:yes /r:no /rs:no /hc
ff /m normal /j
"Small Business Server Backup Job" /l:s /f "\\Mikro2\BACKUPUSB\srv01\Backup
Files\Small Business Server Backup (01).bkf" /UM
NTBACKUP LOG FILE: C:\Documents and Settings\SBS Backup User\Local
Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows NT\NTBackup\data\backup01.log
=====================<BEGIN NTBACKUP LOG FILE>=====================
Backup Status
Operation: Backup
Active backup destination: File
Media name: "Small Business Server Backup (01).bkf created 11/7/2008 at
11:00 PM"
Volume shadow copy creation: Attempt 1.
"MSDEWriter" has reported an error 0x800423f4. This is part of System State.
The backup cannot continue.
Error returned while creating the volume shadow copy:800423f4
Aborting Backup.
The operation did not successfully complete.
=======================<END NTBACKUP LOG FILE>=====================
NTBackup finished the backup with errors.
For more information about failed backups, see the article on
troubleshooting your backup at the following Web page:
Backup ended at Friday, November 07, 2008 11:00 PM
Backup Runner finished.
Date: 11/7/2008
Time: 11:00 PM
Backup Runner started.
Launching NTBackup: ntbackup.exe backup "@D:\Program Files\Microsoft Windows
Small Business Server\Backup\Small Business Backup Script.bks" /d "SBS Backup
created on 11/7/2008 at 11:00 PM" /v:yes /r:no /rs:no /hc

"Small Business Server Backup Job" /l:s /f "\\Mikro2\BACKUPUSB\srv01\Backup
Files\Small Business Server Backup (01).bkf" /UM
NTBACKUP LOG FILE: C:\Documents and Settings\SBS Backup User\Local
Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows NT\NTBackup\data\backup01.log
=====================<BEGIN NTBACKUP LOG FILE>=====================
Backup Status
Operation: Backup
Active backup destination: File
Media name: "Small Business Server Backup (01).bkf created 11/7/2008 at
11:00 PM"
Volume shadow copy creation: Attempt 1.
"MSDEWriter" has reported an error 0x800423f4. This is part of System State.
The backup cannot continue.
Error returned while creating the volume shadow copy:800423f4
Aborting Backup.
The operation did not successfully complete.
=======================<END NTBACKUP LOG FILE>=====================
NTBackup finished the backup with errors.
For more information about failed backups, see the article on
troubleshooting your backup at the following Web page:
Backup ended at Friday, November 07, 2008 11:00 PM
Backup Runner finished.