windows server 2003 sbs std r2 backup problem

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jaru
  • Start date Start date


11/7/2008 11:00 PM
Date: 11/7/2008
Time: 11:00 PM

Backup Runner started.
Launching NTBackup: ntbackup.exe backup "@D:\Program Files\Microsoft Windows
Small Business Server\Backup\Small Business Backup Script.bks" /d "SBS Backup
created on 11/7/2008 at 11:00 PM" /v:yes /r:no /rs:no /hc:off /m normal /j
"Small Business Server Backup Job" /l:s /f "\\Mikro2\BACKUPUSB\srv01\Backup
Files\Small Business Server Backup (01).bkf" /UM
NTBACKUP LOG FILE: C:\Documents and Settings\SBS Backup User\Local
Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows NT\NTBackup\data\backup01.log
=====================<BEGIN NTBACKUP LOG FILE>=====================
Backup Status
Operation: Backup
Active backup destination: File
Media name: "Small Business Server Backup (01).bkf created 11/7/2008 at
11:00 PM"

Volume shadow copy creation: Attempt 1.
"MSDEWriter" has reported an error 0x800423f4. This is part of System State.
The backup cannot continue.

Error returned while creating the volume shadow copy:800423f4
Aborting Backup.


The operation did not successfully complete.


=======================<END NTBACKUP LOG FILE>=====================
NTBackup finished the backup with errors.

For more information about failed backups, see the article on
troubleshooting your backup at the following Web page:

Backup ended at Friday, November 07, 2008 11:00 PM
Backup Runner finished.
Jaru said:
Backup Runner started.
Launching NTBackup: ntbackup.exe backup "@D:\Program Files\Microsoft
Windows Small Business Server\Backup\Small Business Backup Script.bks" /d
"SBS Backup created on 11/7/2008 at 11:00 PM" /v:yes /r:no /rs:no /hc:off
/m normal /j "Small Business Server Backup Job" /l:s /f
"\\Mikro2\BACKUPUSB\srv01\Backup Files\Small Business Server Backup
(01).bkf" /UM NTBACKUP LOG FILE: C:\Documents and Settings\SBS Backup
User\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows
NT\NTBackup\data\backup01.log =====================<BEGIN NTBACKUP LOG
FILE>===================== Backup Status
Operation: Backup
Active backup destination: File
Media name: "Small Business Server Backup (01).bkf created 11/7/2008 at
11:00 PM"

Volume shadow copy creation: Attempt 1.
"MSDEWriter" has reported an error 0x800423f4. This is part of System
State. The backup cannot continue.

Error returned while creating the volume shadow copy:800423f4
Aborting Backup.

You've posted in a newsgroup for basic questions about the Windows XP
operating system. Please repost in the SBS newsgroup. In that post, make
sure you include what version of SBS you're running (in the message body,
not on the Subject line), your patch and Service Pack level, and the answer
to The First Question of Troubleshooting (if this is a new problem, what
changed between the time things worked and the time they didn't?).
