Is it still available from Microsoft? If so where can I order it from?
from?Is it still available from Microsoft? If so where can I order it
Gary said:Is it still available from Microsoft? If so where can I order it from?
In Gary posted:
dszady said:You people open those security updates from Microsoftto get your info?
MS Network Email Storage System, Microsoft Security Patch, Security
patch, New Net Security Patch, Microsoft,
Forgive FYIS.org/estore's stupid attempt at a signature:
Don't forget to put this html code on your web page:
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript
alt="Never met a man he didn't put to death"</SCRIPT>
I'm sorry. Please forgive me.dszady said:[...]In Gary posted:
Forgive FYIS.org/estore's stupid attempt at a signature:
Don't forget to put this html code on your web page:
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript
alt="Never met a man he didn't put to death"</SCRIPT>
DUDE, what is your ****ing problem. Give it a rest.