Windows Security Center does not detect 3rd-party anti-virus softw

  • Thread starter Thread starter Vladimir Ejikhine
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Vladimir Ejikhine


I have problem with windows Security Center.

Recently I reinstalled widows on my two notebooks.
After reinstallation Windows Security Center does not detect any more my
third-party anti-virus software on both notebooks, in spite I never had this
problem before.

The OSs are Windows XP home SP3 on one notebook and Windows XP pro SP3 on
another notebook.
The anti-virus software is CA anti-virus v., which I use already
for 2 years.

In windows XP home the Security Center always shows that anti-virus is
switched-on, even if CA anti-virus is disabled or even completely deleted.
In windows XP pro the Security Center does not detect any anti-virus
software, in spite CA is installed and functioning.

I tried to solve the problem by repairing the Repository:
This, however, does not give any effect.

I have also tried to rename or delete the Repository, in order to let a new
one be created.
In cmd:
net stop winmgmt
cd /d %windir%\system32\wbem
ren repository repository.old
net start winmgmt
net stop winmgmt
cd /d %windir%\system32\wbem
rd /s repository
net start winmgmt

This action, however, always fails, as repository cannot be renamed or
deleted because it is used by other software.
I have tried to perform this in safe modus - the same result.

I posted this problem to Microsoft xpsecurity forum
Unfortunately, I did not receive any respond.

Finally I have renamed Repository in windows XP home by using Unlocker1.8.9
in save modus.
As a result the Security Center has stopped to show that anti-virus is
always switched-on and shows now that anti-virus is not installed.
So the problem remains.

Could you pls. suggest how to solve the problem ?

Thank you very much in advance !
Vladimir Ejikhine said:

I have problem with windows Security Center.

Recently I reinstalled widows on my two notebooks.
After reinstallation Windows Security Center does not
detect any more my third-party anti-virus software on both
notebooks, in spite I never had this problem before.

The OSs are Windows XP home SP3 on one notebook and Windows
XP pro SP3 on another notebook.
The anti-virus software is CA anti-virus v., which
I use already for 2 years.

In windows XP home the Security Center always shows that
anti-virus is switched-on, even if CA anti-virus is
disabled or even completely deleted. In windows XP pro the
Security Center does not detect any anti-virus software, in
spite CA is installed and functioning.

I tried to solve the problem by repairing the Repository:
This, however, does not give any effect.

I have also tried to rename or delete the Repository, in
order to let a new one be created.
In cmd:
net stop winmgmt
cd /d %windir%\system32\wbem
ren repository repository.old
net start winmgmt
net stop winmgmt
cd /d %windir%\system32\wbem
rd /s repository
net start winmgmt

This action, however, always fails, as repository cannot be
renamed or deleted because it is used by other software.
I have tried to perform this in safe modus - the same

I posted this problem to Microsoft xpsecurity forum
Unfortunately, I did not receive any respond.

Finally I have renamed Repository in windows XP home by
using Unlocker1.8.9 in save modus.
As a result the Security Center has stopped to show that
anti-virus is always switched-on and shows now that
anti-virus is not installed.
So the problem remains.

Could you pls. suggest how to solve the problem ?

Thank you very much in advance !

Go back to the security center and actually READ what's
available for you to do there. It's all there, in plain text.
You have to tell it what to do.
Dear Twayne
Thank you for your suggestion.
It is little you can do, however, in WSC itself.
The plain text says that WSC has not found any anti-virus software in my PC.
(very surprising !)
Further WSC explains what a purpose of anti-virus programs is and how it is
important to secure my PC.
(very helpful.)
There is also an option to switch off the whole thing.
So, no solution.
Just a day ago I have downloaded an hotfix for Windows XP (KB981793) and my
WSC starts to work perfectly on both notebooks.
So, that was a bag from Microsoft.
The problem has been solved.
Thanks you very much to everyone, who was trying to help me !