Windows Security Alerts, SHUT UP!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Gordon Price
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Gordon Price

I have installed SP2, but I WILL NOT enable Automatic Updates. I am NOT a
retard, and I will, and do, manage updates, but this is a work machine, and
I need stability, and I DON'T trust Microsoft in that regard. All that is
fine, accept Windows Security Center wants to constantly remind me that I
don't have Automatic Updates enabled, I @#$% know that, I WANT it that way!
Is there a way to turn these annoyances off, or is WindowsXP Pro now just
for morons who can't handle a simple AV or security update, and need to be
have their hand held? I realize I am ranting, more than a bit, but I am
starting to wonder if the real holdup with Longhorn is getting the diaper
changing and gerber spooning code working. It really pisses me off. I know
the average computer user is a dangerous idiot, but you would think there
was some Non Idiot Mode so Windows would leave me the @#$% alone.

Arg! Rant mode off. Going to watch the game ;)

In Control Panel, open Security Center. Bottom left you should
see a line for "Change the way Security Center alerts me". Click
on is and in the box that pops up uncheck Automatic Updates.

If you want to shut off all Securtiy Center functions go to
Control Panel and open Administrative Tools -> Services. Look for
a line "Security Center". Right click on that line and select
Properties. Change the startup type to disabled.

The security Center is NOT "just for morons who can't handle a simple AV or
security update"
Also the statement "the average computer user is a dangerous idiot" is false
as well.
Your attitude with these statements is a window into your own social
Until you realize you are not that superior to most, these simple problems
with simple solutions will continue to confound you.

Please prove you are not like those you describe.
All you need to do is open the Security Center and the answer is before you.
Even a "dangerous idiot" can do as much, can you?
Jupiter Jones said:
The security Center is NOT "just for morons who can't handle a simple AV
or security update"
Also the statement "the average computer user is a dangerous idiot" is
false as well.
Your attitude with these statements is a window into your own social
Until you realize you are not that superior to most, these simple problems
with simple solutions will continue to confound you.

Sorry. A fundamental requirement of e:mail and newsgroup communication was
forgotten in my frustration. Specifically, the smiley that would have shined
a light on my sarcasm. I was specically pointing out that most users are NOT
dumb and that Microsoft seems to be making default settings that assume they
So, I hadn't looked closely enough at the actual SC dialog, I had instead
searched the knowledge base, where I had not found anything specific. I
admit that was a while ago, and that I have simply been getting more and
more frsutrated as time went by. At least I admitted I was ranting as much
as anything. At least now Windows will leave me alone. Thanks all.

Though I do think that diaper changing was actually dropped from Longhorn,
which is a good sign ;)

I think a major part of the reasoning comes to the users that have the least
knowledge need the protection and notices on by default or they will never
be on as demonstrated by Sasser, Blaster and others that took advantage of
an effective firewall that was disabled by default.
The more knowledgeable users will quickly find out how to disable or
otherwise change the settings to suit their needs.

Ultimately this is probably for the computing population as a whole.
Gordon said:
I was specically pointing out that most users are NOT
dumb and that Microsoft seems to be making default settings that
assume they are.

I agree with you on one hand, but really, it's much better that the
safest, most idiot proof, settings are enabled by default. From there,
the saavy user can tweak them as he likes.

Microsoft has been critisized harshly by security experts, for many
years, for not shipping products with safe defaults. It's a step
forward, not backwards that they are being more conscious of this.
I agree whole heartedly.... If you are not a "RETARD" as you stated then you
should be able to figure out how to change a default setting to the
customized setting you want, albeit with a bit of searching or asking in
forums and newsgroups like this. There is no need for blowing a gasket on
such a simply fixed issue.