I need to know if the message that has been poping up is real and from Windows.
The message reads as follows: Windows Security Alert Warning! Potential
Spyware Operation! Your computer is making unauthorized copies of your
system & Internet files. Run full scan now to pervent any unathorised access
to your files. Click YES to download sypwear. Notice the misspelled words
(pervent and unathorised). Any help or feedback will be deeply appreciated.
Thank you.
The message reads as follows: Windows Security Alert Warning! Potential
Spyware Operation! Your computer is making unauthorized copies of your
system & Internet files. Run full scan now to pervent any unathorised access
to your files. Click YES to download sypwear. Notice the misspelled words
(pervent and unathorised). Any help or feedback will be deeply appreciated.
Thank you.