Windows Security Alert


Jim Forsyth

As part of SP2 install, I open the small number of ports that I need opened. Everything works OK for a day or two and then the user gets "Windows WSecurity Alert" "To help protect your computer, Windows Firewall has blocked some features of this program" "Do you want to keep blocking this program? dpmw32.exe?"

Users are confused and do not know what to check. If they click "Unblock" it is good for another day or so and then asks again.

Any idea?


Wesley Vogel

dpmw32 - dpmw32.exe - Process Information
Process File: dpmw32 or dpmw32.exe
Process Name: Dpmw32

dpmw32.exe is a part of Novell Client. This process runs in the background
and allows the computer to access NDPS prnit serves and assist in access to
Netware security features.

Author: Novell
Part Of: Novell Client

dpmw32.exe is a part of the Netware Distributed Printing Client
Novell: This program runs in the background if you are running the Novell
Client to connect to a NetWare network and you have installed the Novell
Distributed Print Services (NDPS) part of the client. We have found that in
many non-NDPS NetWare networks this process will at times prevent other
programs from working, e.g. GroupWise, PageMaker, it will at other times
make the PC hang, or it will cause illegal operations.

Recommendation :
If you are not running Novell Distributed Print Services (most NetWare
installations do not), disable this process.

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