Windows XP <windows root>\system32\hal.dll missing or corrupt

May 23, 2010
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hai.. i am using windows XP on my computer (desk top). and can't boot into windows. The message comes up indicating <windows root>\system32\hal.dll
is missing or courrpted i lost my bootable cd.. please anybody help me to slove the problem
Do you still have the activation number of your original CD?

If so, contact Microsoft, explain the problem and they will probably send you a replacement CD or download an iso.

Other than that, you're stuffed, you will have to buy a new copy of XP.

And not lose it, of course :)
Windows XP has not yet fully loaded when this error message appears. Windows XP has not yet fully loaded when this error message appears.
No, it wouldn't be. No, it wouldn't be.

You can either attempt a repair with the mbr command (see the MS site) or opt for a clean install.

I refer, m'lud, to my previous post.