hi if anyone could help me with this that would be really great....i'm having a problem with one computer it restarts whenever it feels like it, i was thinking it was the ram but after replacing the ram it still does it...i found one file that is suspicious (although this machine has never been on the internet) the file was called rxododendron.bmp the file itself is 0 bytes and when i try to delete it it won't let me..even if i try to drag it to the recycle bin no luck...no burned disks were loaded to the machine...all factory made disks were used...windows xp home sp1..also if i run a chkdsk instead of looking like chkdsk should it kept giving me little lines like index 0$ of file 25...or....$i30 in file 28...or missing object in etc...all drivers in the machine are digitally signed but 2 and those two devices i have written the companies who made said product to get signed drivers...but i don't think that's the problem...machine has new motherboard,cpu,ram,and hard drive..basically this machine is driving me nuts....machine was built to run something called pro tools....i met all the specs the company recommended...just don't know where that .bmp file came from and why i can't delete it..also i searched for that same file on another xp home machine and it was file not found...again if anyone can help i'll thank you in advance...mike