I was working in xp professional, and it suddenly
restarted it`s self. When it reboted, it said that the
user had to be loged off, and that windows had recovered
from an error, but it happened a few times more. I send
the error to microsoft, and it says that it`s because of
installing some new hardware, but I didn`t install any
new hardware...
I`d be gratefull if anyone could tell me what`s the
restarted it`s self. When it reboted, it said that the
user had to be loged off, and that windows had recovered
from an error, but it happened a few times more. I send
the error to microsoft, and it says that it`s because of
installing some new hardware, but I didn`t install any
new hardware...
I`d be gratefull if anyone could tell me what`s the