Hello Stephen. I encountered a very similar issue to the
issue that you are describing to me. However, if you get a
message that says it will reboot in 60 seconds, then it is
the BlasterWorm virus. You can download a removal tool
from online for that. However, mine was not the case. It
may very well be that your hard drive is beginning to fail
on you, so occassionally it will automatically restart on
its own since it is just slowly "dying." Has it even gone
several hours without restarting, but then sometimes
restart and then when it tries to log back in restart
AGAIN, and just keep doing this process (except maybe once
in awhile staying on for several hours and then eventually
restart again)? If so, then this is probably the issue. I
just wanted to possibly warn you that this MAY be the
problem since when I awoke this morning my computer, which
was encountering VERY similar issues to yours, I noticed
my screen was completely blank, and I ran a GWSCAN for a
full scan in the DOS command prompt (after inserting my
DRIVERS CD and restarting by pressing the Power button)
which allows you to scan your hard drive for
errors/problems, and mine came back that there were "Too
many errors, please contact Tech Support" and under
the "View Test Results," it gave me an error/source code
(which was 0225, or something like that), and after
calling Gateway, which is where I bought my computer, they
informed me that it sounded like my hard drive was failing
me, so they are sending me a new one. Prior to the hard
drive failure this morning, Gateway had me do a GWSCAN
(after I had completely rebooted my system and everything,
yet it was still restarting), and it said the hard drive
was working properly, but it did NOT mean it was not
failing, because of course mine eventually did. So if you
decide to run a scan such as this (I don't know if it
would be called the same thing or not, depending on where
you purchased your computer), then even if it comes back
negative (there are no "errors/problems"), your hard drive
may still be failing on you. Also, do you have any anti-
virus software, and do you make sure it is kept up to
date? Just in CASE it is not a hard drive problem (but it
probably is since it sounds a LOT like the same issue I
had, except I had a few serious errors occasionally when
it restarted since my failing hard drive was not
recognizing the drivers properly), then you should
purchase or download some antivirus software and download
all of the recent updates for it, then run your computer
in SAFE mode and, after turning off System Restore, do a
full-system scan on your computer for any viruses. If you
have limited parts and warrenty with your computer
company, then you should give them a call and describe the
situation, and maybe even describe the situation I
explained to you if you want! Also, it may be a good idea
to back up all your files first and completely erase your
hard disk, then start all over again. If it STILL restarts
after rebooting your system, then it is most likely the
hard drive failure issue that I had. I hope this helps!
Good luck, and I hope you are able to resolve
your "annoying" constant restarting problem!
P.S: Feel free to e-mail me for further questions or
concerns regarding this issue if you want. You can e-mail
me at the e-mail address provided above or at
(e-mail address removed). I will check my e-mail at least once
daily (except on Sunday) until I get my new hard drive in,
then I will start checking it periodically.