Yes, but you'll have to format the drive on your old laptop and reinstall
Win98 from scratch. Do you need further instruction? What OS came on your
new laptop? Also of note: there is a difference between "registration" and
"activation". Registration is letting Microsoft know who you are and that
you bought their product, and gives them information to use to send you junk
Activation is a method of enforcement of the license agreement allows you to
use Windows XP on one PC at a time. If you delete it from one computer and
install it on another, you will need to re-activate it. If you've recently
activated it on your old laptop (within the last 120 days) you will need to
call to activate, otherwise you should be able to use online activation.
Technically, if you used Windows 98 to meet the product requirement for
upgrading to Windows XP, you are no longer authorized to use Windows 98. I
just recently read that in their license agreement. It sucks, but that's
what we get with a MONOPOLY - price fixing and unreasonable requirements.
chekist said:
I've installed XP pro on my old laptop. Now I have a new laptop. Is there
a way to return previous laptop to its original win 98 and use my copy of XP
on the new laptop (being able to legally register it)