Windows Registry Problems

Dec 9, 2006
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When ever i turn my PC on i get this message C:WINDOWSsystem32HHCTRL.OCX which must be something to do with my registry. So i just wanted to check would a registry cleaner sort this out? Or my back up plan is to try and repair it using the XP disc. I think this would work. If anyone has any idea's / suggestions im open to ideas. Cheers :)
HHCTRL.OCX is a "Help ActiveX Control" MS HTML Help control.

What is the exact error message ? or is it a pop-up error ?

There is a known vulnerability in Internet Explorer that exploits this control, are you up-to-date with MS Updates ? ... what Anti-Virus software are you using ?

Not sure if a Reg-Cleaner would, or would not "fix" this. A possibility is, the file is corrupted or missing somehow.

C:\WINDOWS\system32\HHCTRL.OCX < Thats the only bit i copied and its a pop up. It also mentioned something about a DLL? Id have to re-boot to get you all of the message.
Reformatting should cure my problem would it not? And i assume that i would need to select NTFS file system after deleting the partition?

Once again thanks for any help.
Hi I am getting an error with IE.7 now, before it was version 6. I am running XP Service pack 2. The message I get is IE has encontered a problem and needs to be closed what i see when i check the error is: documentsandsettings/manny1/locals1/e361_appcompat.txt.

Is that a virus or what is? Spyware? I have installed Mcafee Suite 2007 and spycacther. How can I fix this problem?

