The fauls in windows Xp Registry may slow you PC down or make it hanging.
I hav tried several different programs witch offer resolving thise problems.
The best produkt I have found is TuneUp link: http://www.tune-up.com/
I have bought this produkt because I want to get rid of the registry fauls.
WinTune also optimise a lot af settings in the registry. It is good.
Download an try it for free. My PC is working better than ever after using
The fauls in windows Xp Registry may slow you PC down or make it hanging.
I hav tried several different programs witch offer resolving thise problems.
The best produkt I have found is TuneUp link: http://www.tune-up.com/
I have bought this produkt because I want to get rid of the registry fauls.
WinTune also optimise a lot af settings in the registry. It is good.
Download an try it for free. My PC is working better than ever after using