I know living in remote Thailand was a choice I made for my retirement and therefore am stuck with the joy and consequences of that choice.
I bought Windows XP Pro directly from Microsoft and was able to install and activate it with no problems at all. For various reasons it has been necessary for me to reinstall several times. Power outage gave me disk crash, bought new disk later on, tried the pre release of VISTA and crashed my xp. In any event the last reinstall and activate forced me to the alternative telephone support activation because I had activated too many times. I am legitimate in every way and trying desperately to stay that way and have gone through a lot of trouble to that end.
Telephone support does not work because our land line is and has been out of order for two months because someone stole 200 meters of the telephone lines to our village and the telephone company is reluctant to install again fearing that someone will steal the lines again, so I have no land line.
Cell phone activation is out of the question because big fingers and bi-focals are prone to errors in input and thus several attempts have failed to successfully input the 54 digits needed to get through the activation. So I had Satellite dish installed and tried to use Internet phone to call the activation hot line only to have both Skype and Yahoo fail to connect to the Singapore number provided.
When I originally purchased the xp pro from Microsoft direct I was provided with the necessary ID numbers by email and am trying to find a way to that as a solution for my current problem. It is urgent in that I now have 4 days left or I will be bitten by the "You have not Activated Bug" and have no idea the consequences of that, nor do I wish to find out.
So as things now stand I have but one option left and that is to reinstall Windows and hope to get a new 30 day opportunity to Activate.
I sent an email request to Microsoft Online Support and they didn't even read the request but merely told me to call Microsoft Thailand, which of course is not an option since I have no workable phone.
Anyone have any suggestions on any way to proceed and stay legal with my installation. The system I am worried about is one that I keep for the local kids to use to do their homework and I sure don't want to remove that resource from their very limited set of tools to try to learn something.
Thanks in advance for any advice you can provide.
Sign me " About as frustrated as anyone can be trying activate, a legal legitimate copy of Windows XP Pro"
I bought Windows XP Pro directly from Microsoft and was able to install and activate it with no problems at all. For various reasons it has been necessary for me to reinstall several times. Power outage gave me disk crash, bought new disk later on, tried the pre release of VISTA and crashed my xp. In any event the last reinstall and activate forced me to the alternative telephone support activation because I had activated too many times. I am legitimate in every way and trying desperately to stay that way and have gone through a lot of trouble to that end.
Telephone support does not work because our land line is and has been out of order for two months because someone stole 200 meters of the telephone lines to our village and the telephone company is reluctant to install again fearing that someone will steal the lines again, so I have no land line.
Cell phone activation is out of the question because big fingers and bi-focals are prone to errors in input and thus several attempts have failed to successfully input the 54 digits needed to get through the activation. So I had Satellite dish installed and tried to use Internet phone to call the activation hot line only to have both Skype and Yahoo fail to connect to the Singapore number provided.
When I originally purchased the xp pro from Microsoft direct I was provided with the necessary ID numbers by email and am trying to find a way to that as a solution for my current problem. It is urgent in that I now have 4 days left or I will be bitten by the "You have not Activated Bug" and have no idea the consequences of that, nor do I wish to find out.
So as things now stand I have but one option left and that is to reinstall Windows and hope to get a new 30 day opportunity to Activate.
I sent an email request to Microsoft Online Support and they didn't even read the request but merely told me to call Microsoft Thailand, which of course is not an option since I have no workable phone.
Anyone have any suggestions on any way to proceed and stay legal with my installation. The system I am worried about is one that I keep for the local kids to use to do their homework and I sure don't want to remove that resource from their very limited set of tools to try to learn something.
Thanks in advance for any advice you can provide.
Sign me " About as frustrated as anyone can be trying activate, a legal legitimate copy of Windows XP Pro"
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