Windows protection error



Hello everyone. I've got a problem I've never encountered before. I've got
a used computer and I'm trying put Windows ME on it. I started by
reformating the hard drive through dos from the A drive (A: format C:) and
then used the boot disk that came with the program to load the files from the
cd onto the hard drive. That all worked but when I reboot I get a "Windows
protection error" message. When I reboot a second time I get the option to
load only specific files for example "Load all windows drivers?" yes. And
when I don't load a file named ndis.vxd the computer boots up normally. It's
a mystery because I'm starting with an empty hard drive and a full version of
windows ME. Does reformatting the hard drive clean off all the files? And
does anyone know how to fix this problem? When I load the file ndis.vxd I
get the message "Windows protection error" but when I don't load this file,
the computer boots up normally.


Coffee said:
Hello everyone. I've got a problem I've never encountered before. I've got
a used computer and I'm trying put Windows ME on it. I started by
reformating the hard drive through dos from the A drive (A: format C:) and
then used the boot disk that came with the program to load the files from the
cd onto the hard drive. That all worked but when I reboot I get a "Windows
protection error" message. When I reboot a second time I get the option to
load only specific files for example "Load all windows drivers?" yes. And
when I don't load a file named ndis.vxd the computer boots up normally. It's
a mystery because I'm starting with an empty hard drive and a full version of
windows ME. Does reformatting the hard drive clean off all the files? And
does anyone know how to fix this problem? When I load the file ndis.vxd I
get the message "Windows protection error" but when I don't load this file,
the computer boots up normally.

This is a windows XP OS newsgroup. Post to one for ME. Here is a list
of all MS newsgroups:


Please, use one of the Windows ME newsgroups, this one is intended for Windows XP questions.


Yah, I didn't even know Windows Protection Errors occurred on NT based
systems. *sarcasm*


I believe NDIS.vxd is the NVidia video driver.
Boot to safe mode, change video adapter to generic VGA.
Get the right driver from NVidia and install it.


NDIS.VxD is a network driver providing Windows support for TCP/IP, NetBEUI,

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