Today, =?Utf-8?B?RGVubmlz?= made these interesting comments ...
I have nothing against new OS's, etc - but newer is NOT always
better. The Windows Picture & Fax Viewer was simply a better
interface to viewing and printing one's photos than the Photo
Editor - they should have done away with the latter and
enhanced/improved the former and kept it. Just my 2 cents <g>
'tis said that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. I
personally turned off XP's Picture & Fax Viewer in favor of my
normal graphics app, as if I really want to do more than even a
very quick print, it almost always involves some sort of tweak to
the image, its size, cropping, etc. depending on what I want to
do beyond simply viewing it.
So, you 2 cents is just as valuable as mine or others here, and
also just as worthless as all of ours. It highly depends on what
you needs vs want and simply what you like vs don't like.
As to your opening line, I'd certainly agree with that! Software
these days is being driven by greedy marketers who believe
rightly or wrongly that they can artificially increase sales by
introducing a new version in every shrinking product cycles,
often by just rearranging the GUI. Each new version, of course,
comes with its own set of bugs, so people who feel some
compulsion to always be up-to-date essentially beta test all of
their apps and utilities with their Visa cards and may well have
lost track of why they have a PC in the first place - to do
useful work for them.