Windows Periodically Resize

  • Thread starter Thread starter Marcus Aurelius
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Marcus Aurelius

Hi, I've used Vista on several systems and I always experience the same issue:

I will resize certain windows to my liking, but these sizes aren't always
remembered. Why does this happen and how can I fix this?

Also, the window view setting aren't always remembered either. This only
happens rarely though. Yes, I have 'remember each folders view settings'

Hi, Marcus.

One of the most FAQ (Frequently Asked - and Answered! - Questions) about
Windows. :>(

Both the Fix and the Unfix are so easy that they are often done

Here's just one of many very simple scenarios:

You open 2 Explorer windows. They open about 1/4 screen each, which is not
what you want. So you Maximize one. Aha! That's more like it! Now, close
that big window. Open it again and it opens big. ;>) Now close the small
window. Gotcha!

Since that small window was the LAST one closed, THAT is the size that
Explorer will remember next time. :>(

Remember, too, that Maximized is NOT the same as
Normal-stretched-to-fill-the-screen, and neither of these is the same as
Full-Screen (<F11> toggle). A common fix is to open a Normal window,
stretch it with the mouse to fill the screen, then make sure all other
Explorer windows are closed and then close this one LAST. Another that
often works is to right-click on the shortcut or executable that opens the
application, click Properties and choose Maximized in the Run line.

But nothing works all the time, it seems. :>(

If you find a better answer, please post it here.

R. C. White, CPA
San Marcos, TX
(e-mail address removed)
Microsoft Windows MVP
(Running Windows Live Mail 2008 in Vista Ultimate x64 SP1)